8. Battle of strategy

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He was sitting in a dark box into which light passed only through a crack between the boards. He didn't dare leave the box because he didn't want anyone to see him, but his hunger said something else. He looked around again, but all he saw were some electric bracelets. Suddenly he felt the plane he was in began to land. After a while, the plane just stopped and heard humans open the door.

"Hurry up guys. We got program delay and we have to deliver these boxes to Lumiose city till evening. So move these boxes on Ferry in 30 minutes and we are leaving."

He heard people start taking away the boxes and just held his pouch closer to his body. After a while, the box he was in was lifted. He had to be silent to not make attention. He then heard water flowing in river. His boxes then was placed bigger thud that made him bang into wall of box. He felt in his arm pain, but he had to still be quiet.

"Hey watch out on that. If some of those Poketches are broken, it will be taken from your payment."

"Sorry boss. I am still new with these forklifts."

"Then you should learn fast. Anyway this was last box. We would be in Lumiose city before sunset, but we have stop before."

He felt the ship move and he became more and more nervous. He was hungry, in pain, and sooner or later they would find him.


I shot with my head from bed with heavy breathing. I looked around to see, that I was back again at my room in Pokecenter with Clemont. I then looked to ground to see my buddy, who was looking at me with a questioning look. I motioned to him, that I will go out to jog. He looked at me worriedly, but after a while he lay his head on the ground again. I quietly closed the door behind me and walked out of the center. I couldn't go to bed again. I wasn't even tired and I didn't want to be in bed all the time waiting for everyone to wake up. It was still dark after all.

Why did this happen to me again? I was in a different body again, during a sleep, but this time it was different. Last time I just saw it with a look, but this time? This time I felt like I was right there, heck, I even understood what people were saying and even felt it. Maybe I'm just hallucinating. Much better than having nightmares.


I returned to Pokemon center after sunrise and I found everyone already awake and eating breakfast. When they noticed me, they looked surprised. Pikachu, who was in Serena's lap again, ran after me and jumped on my shoulder and rubbed his cheek against mine.

"I told you, I just went for jog buddy." I said to Pikachu and pet his head. I then felt how my stomach is already screaming for food, "Sorry guys, for worring. I will be back in minute, I just need to clean myself." I said to others and noticed, that Serena was looking on me with absent gaze. When I waved my hand to return her to present, she looked embarrassed and her face was full of red color, "Are you ok Serena?"

"Ye-yeah I am alright." She said and she covered her face in her hair.

I just then runned back to my room to get wash my self from sweat. Pikachu separated from me and ran back to others. We have battle today, so let's get ready.

Serena POV

Why did I looked so much on him? Oh yeah, because his T-shirt was soaked in sweat and it showed outline of his muscles. I looked down to see Pikachu looking at me with curious look. I looked away, hoping to avoid another look just to notice Bonnie looking at me with a smirk on her face. I began to pretend to think only of food. Pikachu immediately went to his meal, which Clemont had placed on the ground, but out of the corner of his eye I could see Bonnie watching me with a smirk.

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