20. Be like you

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"YOU DID IT BARRY!" Angie and Dawn shouted after the pronouncement. Angie made small hug, on which Barry wasn't prepared and he was still confused about what happened.

"Yeah, you know... You know you can count on me and Pon- I mean Rapidash now are are unstoppable. "Barry said proudly, on which his pokemon nudge him with it's head. "Ok you are unstoppable."

Shauna was a little upset that they didn't get on higher position, but they still hasn't been bad with their score to others. 

Her attention caught Serena. She seemed worried and was walking around Ash, as fighting with herself. 

"Amm, Ash?" she asked with quiet voice, so Ash could hear it. Ash turned to her with big smile.  

"Serena, you did awesome." he said as he noticed honey-blond hair girl. Serena blushed at this comment a little, but then remembered what she wanted to say. 

"But I, I didn't end up first and because of me, we didn't end up first and-" she was about to continue, but then to both of them ran Bonnie and tugged on Ash. 

"Ash, please come with me!" she said and tried to pull with Ash, who looked at her confused.
"What is it Bonnie?" Ash asked, but Bonnie still tried to pull him. 

"It's Clemont. Something is wrong with him. He just snapped when he arrived and then diseppeared." Bonnie's words then put Ash in the very bad situation. He looked at Serena and then on Bonnie. 

Ash sighed and turned to Serena. "Sorry Serena, I will be back, when I will figure out, what is happening." he said and turned Bonnie. He made steps in the way, she pulled him. Serena sighed as she watched them leave, but then her watching then was broken by Shauna, who placed hand on her shoulder. 

"I may not be Ash, but I see you are nervous about something aaaaand for this time, it is not about Ash. So Sere, what is on your mind?" Shauna asked and Serena looked at her best friend and sighed. Girls knew almost everything about each other. 

"It is my mother Shauna." Serena and Shauna's face changed as she knew what this all about.

"You think Grace will ground you after this race, don't you?" Shauna asked as she already knew. 

"What do I do Shauna? I left home to find out problem with training, I might found it, but yet mom expected today from me to win this race." Serena looked in to the forest and then back at her friend. What surprised her, Shauna gave her small slap, which didn't hurt, but it gave her the point. 

"How about telling her the true? That you want to something else then Rhyhorn racing. I know, you told us, 'what would I do instead, but I thought this would show you. That is why I wanted you to come with almost a year ago. I didn't want to see you at home looking on the world with thoughts you can't do anything. You can do anything and I know Ash told you the same. I didn't want to take over father's company, Tierno and Trevor aren't different and then you came. Told us to do something else, yet you couldn't use your iwn advice and use it. So I tell you this. Go call Grace, tell her what you want and what you doesnt want. She may not take it easy, but I know Grace, she will get over it." Shauna said with firm voice. This made Serena shock. 

"B-but I need Ash with my talking to mom. He could tell her how I-" Serena was about to continue, but Shauna once again interrupted. 

"Tell her how do you feel. It is not bad to ask Ash, but IF YOU will tell Grace by your own, that will show her how much you want it by youself." Shauna ended her speech. Serena looked at her still stunned, but then her face changed into determinated.  

"You are right. I can do this." Serena said and made her way to what she wanted to do. Shauna looked at her happy and then turned around to go for boys. 

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