47. Survivor's guilt

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The week after Cilan's death

"Ash?" Deliah looked at her son, devastated by what he had to go through. And now, he was packing things and ready to walk out of the house. "Where are you going?"

"I am going away." he said with every intention not to yell, scream or cry.

"What do you mean 'away'. I don't understand."  Deliah placed her hand on his shoulder on which he hissed a little bit. "Sorry, I forgot."

"No it is ok." he said looking at and hugging her. "I have too many things on my mind that I need to figure out and I can't do that here." he said, when during that he felt how his shirt was getting wet and his shoulder lighter as he saw his partner or going on her shoulder and petting her.

"D-don't leave me Ash. Wh-when they called me, I thought I lost you. Please Ash..." she said hugging him even more. Ash sighed, but pulled away to look her in eyes.

"I will come back mum, but I need to make sure none of this happen again. Cilan died because of me and my pokemon as well. I can't let that stop me in trying to prevent happening it again. I have also things I need to do." Ash said with firm voice, but it didn't seem to convince his mother.

"But, what if-"

"Mum." he said with firm voice, looking at her. "I will come back. Say it." he held her, but she was hesitating. "Say it mum."

"Y-you will come back." this gave Ash small smile, while hugging her again, taking back his buddy. After some time, they pulled away and Ash started to walk out of the doors. "D-did you pack enough underwear?" Deliah asked, making Ash chuckle.

"Yes, yes I did." was all he said and was gone in the dark.

"Look out for each other!"


Serena looked shocked at the tombstone. Confused by it.

"Cilan died?" Bonnie said when they arrived a few moments ago and all of them noticed the tombstone. Iris eyes widened when she heard that.

"You told them about Cilan but not about his death?" Iris almost yelled at Ash which seemed to snap Ash out of his mourning at her.

"You mean when I failed the most I could in my life? Oh yeah, I am pretty sure you could say it also without hesitation, am I right Iris? You were always more mature than me. I was always just the kid Iris." Ash made quotation marks with his fingers. "Right?" Iris looked at him and after a moment sighed.

"I don't want to argue here Ash. Not in front of him." she ended their fight, ignoring others around them. After few minutes, Valerie walked away, saing her good bye and was slowly walking away. But before that, Serena caught up to her, with question that was on her mind.

"Um... Valerie?" Serena asked nervous. Valerie turned to her with smile.

"Yes?" Serena didn't know why she was nervous. Either it was because of  this whole situation or because she was talking to her most favourite fashion designer.

"Why did you cancel your entire day?" Valerie looked at her confused for a moment but smiled again.

"I didn't know Cilan Dent. What I know is that he was a gym leader from Unova and chose to be buried here.  And I wish to honour it by coming here every year. So I make time on this day. It was exactly two years ago and that is the same time since I saw the boy here." she said with sad smile and turned her head. "What is your name?" 

"Serena." honey blond hair girl answered  with smiling back. The gym leader smiled at her and walked away.

Ash left most of his pokemon behind and walked past by Iris. "Hah, I guess I am lucky Chilly isn't here to hear this."

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