V- 𝕲𝖔𝖉 𝕷𝖞𝖘𝖘𝖆

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'I've been to hell soo many times I'm the Herold, I let my body learn to enjoy the flames'

It's been a week since the king and queen's outing to the valley and I guess it's safe to say that they have grown closer

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It's been a week since the king and queen's outing to the valley and I guess it's safe to say that they have grown closer. The king laugh often and no longer afraid and closed off with the king. They spend their afternoon together either playing cards, or baking or just talking. And right now our king is furious, eyes raging red. Why? It's because he cannot find his love either in their room or library. He had made full plan to kill Rupert and how shame cause he like him a bit.

'Your majesty', Rupert bowed
'Where the fuck is Sophia?', I yelled as I grabbed him by his collar.
'Qu..Queen is...in painting room', he stuttered.
I ran upstairs to one of the painting room when I caught the wiff of her scent I barged in.
'Jacob!', she said as she saw me with wide eyes. I immediately walked in and hugged her close to me.
'I thought... I thought you left', I mumbled
'Where?', she asked as she looked me in the eye.
'I thought you left me', I mumbled
'Jesus Jacob. Calm down', she smiled.
'By the way can I ask you something?', she asked looking at me with hopeful eyes.
'Goddess only if she knew, she could ask my heart and I would rip it of and put it on her feet', I thought as I ran my fingers through my hair.
'Offcourse ask away, and it shall be yours', I smiled
'Tomorrow is my mom's birthday, if I could go home tomorrow and spend some time with her', she said hesitantly.
'Offcourse sweetheart you can go for your mom's birthday', I smiled as her eyes twinkled.
'Thank you so much Jacob I really appreciate it', she smiled.
'Don't you want to buy a gift for her?', I asked
'Oh no... I already made it. See', she said pointing to the canvas she was working on.
I walked to the canvas and it was a beautiful painting of her mother laughing.
'It's beautiful m'love', I smiled still in awe of her painting.
'Thanks', she smiled
'I will ask Rupert to wrap it', I smiled
'Well I know you will be busy and all but, would you like to join me tomorrow for my mom's birthday', she asked
'Offcourse my love. I would love to come with you', I smiled
'Actually I came here to ask if you want to meet my pack members?', I asked
'Aah... Okay sure', she smiled nervous
'How about in an hour?', I asked
'Okay.. just let me shower and change', she said as she put her art products away.

'Why don't you go and shower till then I will change', I said as she nodded and scruied away.
I wore a casual white shirt and black pants. I was fixing my hair when Rupert came in.
'Your majesty', he bowed
'I hope everything is fixed', I asked
'Yes Alpha, everyone is waiting for their queen', he said as he bowed again and I dismissed him.
'I hope this is okay?', came a timid voice of my angel as I turned around. She was wearing a beautiful white summer dress.
'You look like an angel love', I smiled as I kissed her forehead and immediately her cheeks were covered in my favourite shade of red.
'Lets go now. Shall we?', I asked offering my hand as she shyly took it.
It's a 15 minutes walk but we will take a car I don't want my angel to get tired. As we drove to the pack house I could feel anxiety off of Sophia and her heartbeat increase.
'Hey love, calm down sweety. Your heart beat is faster than the bullet train. It' okay I will be there with you always. They are gonna love you. Okay?', I asked as I held as her hand.
'Okay!', she nodded as her heat beat slow down a bit. Only a bit.

'This is a beautiful house Jacob', she smiled looking at the house.
'Thank you love. My mum designed it', I said as I held her hand and guide her in. Everyone were already waiting downstairs. We entered the pack house from backside and climbed up the stairs as we were on the top and all the members down on the hall or it was more like a ballroom holding ten thousand people.
'Hello my members. There are few rumours flying around that I have found my mate. It's true I have this is my mate Sophia Rees your Luna Queen', I announced as the hall roared with clapping and hollar and howls.
I held her hand as we climbed down the the flight of stairs.
'Please enjoy yourself', I said as everyone dispersed.

'Alpha King, Luna Queen', Rupert bowed with Cynthia Rees his mate.
'Rupert how are you?', Sophia smiled
'I am good my queen. This is Cynthia Rees my mate', he introduced
'Hi!', Sophia smiled
'Hi', Cynthia have a wide grin as she hugged Sophia, to which Sophia froze.
'Cynthia', I said pulling Sophia away.
'Oh. I..I.am sorry Luna Queen', she mumbled
'Oh.... No no no. Cynthia you did nothing wrong. You just took me by surprise. You see I was home schooled so, I never had much contact with people. That's all', Sophia cleared.
'Oh. It's okay Luna Queen', she said smiling.
'I never had any friend Cynthia. Would you like be my first friend?', Sophia asked. I felt proud and happy atleast she making friend.
'Oh I would be honoured to be your friend Luna', Cynthia smiled
'Good. Call me Sophia', She smiled

The rest of the night went good. I was sitting with Rupert talking about stuff while Sophia was talking around to the pack members. I kept a close eye on her fearing of her getting hurt.
'She will be okay', Rupert said
'I know. But, her being away from me donot settle well with me or my wolf', I said.
'I can understand', he nodded. Suddenly our talk was cut short with a scream.
'Sophia!', I yelled as Hannah one of my pack members had a knife against Sophia's neck.
'Hannah. What are you doing?', I roared as Sophia's eye filled with tears.
'I am suppose to your mate. I should be your Queen not this pathetic human', she yelled.
'You are gonna drop that knife and surrunder now', Rupert said
'No.. I am gonna kill her', she yelled as she pushed the knife more as blood start to fall. With that I lost the control of my wolf and growled so loud as the whole place shook and jumped on her.

Rupert's POV

As Hannah pushed the knife more blood start to fall from Luna's neck with that I could feel the king's control loosing as he growled so Lou's which shook the entire pack house and he shifted to his Lycan and jumped on her.
His Lycan never come out much, I myself have it once in whole of two hundred years. Sophia falls down blood dripping from her neck as his Lycan Leo ripp Hannah apart.
'Rupert you need to calm him down. We need to taken Luna to the doctor and no one could touch her', Cynthia said as I nodded.
'Leo!', I yelled stood in front of him red eyes looking deep in me as my wolf whimper.
'We need to take Luna Queen to the doctor there's blood', I said which caught Leo's attention. He turned around and scooped an uncouncious Sophia in his arms and let out a painful howl.
'Let's take her to the pack doctor. Shall we?', I asked as he ran towards tbe hospital.
'Cynthia let's go. Jennifer take care', I said as Jen nodded.

 Jennifer take care', I said as Jen nodded

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Well no one harms his queen. Hannah should have known better 🙄

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