XXII- 𝕮𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖞

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'Seeing you smile makes me smile too'

Today is the ceremony, the castle is brimming with happiness even though they have no idea why there is a celebration today

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Today is the ceremony, the castle is brimming with happiness even though they have no idea why there is a celebration today.
'Here is your dress?', Cynthia said handing me a dress. It was a short floral dress. I wanted nothing too flashy so we settled on a simple dress that showed off my bump.

 I wanted nothing too flashy so we settled on a simple dress that showed off my bump

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'Princess are you ready?', Jacob peeked in the door.
'Ya, I smiled
'You look beautiful love', Jacob smiled as he came in.
'Thank you', I smiled
'Let's go then', he said as I nodded

'My pack members thankyou so much for coming here I am sure you all are wondering why you all are summoned here. I feel very happy and blessed to announce that Sophia is pregnant with pups', he announced as the crowd erupted with howls, clapping and more.
We walked down as many people congratulated us. With that the festivities started as everyone enjoyed walking around, dancing and eating as I sat down one of the chair.
'Congratulations Sophia', Roma smiled
'Hi Roma. Come sit', I smiled
'So, how are you... I mean with all Carter thing? I asked
'I am good actually. Liam does make me feel happy', she smiled
'I am really happy for you', I smiled hugging her.
'Jacob?', i called
'Yes love!', he said walking to me.
'Can I have chips', i asked as he nodded as he picked a bag of chips for me from the table
'Here you go love', he said handing me the bag.
I sat happily munching on my bag of chips.
'Congratulations honey', mom smiled
'Thanks mom', I smiled hugging her
'My doll has all grown up now', dad smiled
'I am still your doll dad', I smiled
'Do you know the gender yet?', mom asked all excited
'We decided to keep it a surprise', I said
'Oh that's okay. But, what do your heart say?', mom asked
'I don't know mom, I am just focusing on my baby to be healthy', I said
'Jacob I hope you are taking good care of my baby', mom asked
'Yes, I am taking very good care of her', Jacob smiled
'Have you decorated the nursery yet?', mom asked
'Not yet. But, I am thinking of having a neutral colour', I said as I showed her pictures of nursery.
'Its gonna be pretty', mom smiled.
'Ya I know', I said

'Comeon Sophia you need to sleep love', Jacob said taking the remote from me.
'Jacob Knight how dare you take remote from me. Get out', I yelled. Now a days my hormones are all over. I am happy a moment and crying in next.
'Love calm down okay', he tried calming me down
'Out. Get out now before I fucking kill you from my own two hands', I yelled as I pushed him out and locked the door.
'Sophia. I am sorry please let me in', he said banging the door.
'No leave me alone', I yelled as I sat down in the bed watching T.V
'After banging for next hour there is no noise maybe he left', I thought which made me more sad that he left me.
I opened the door but he was sitting by the door only.
'I am sorry I yelled at you', I cried.
'Its okay Sophia don't cry love. Please', he said
'Are you angry at me?', I asked
'No, I am not sweetheart', I said wiping my tears.
'But...but I yelled at you', I said
'Its okay love... I know it's because of your pregnancy', he said
'So... I have chips', I asked
'Offcourse',he chuckled as he picked me up and walked down to the kitchen.
'Here is your chips', he said handing me the bag.
'Thanks', I smiled.
'Do you want anything else?', he asked
'No', I said shaking my head.
'Have I gained weight?', I asked
'No love you are carrying our pup that's why but still you are my queen', he said kissing me.
'Okay', I said yawning
'Now it seems like my queen is tired', he smiled as he picked me up and walked to the bedroom.
'So, do mind having sex tonight?', I asked kissing him.
'With you? Never', he laughed
And that's how I spend whole night screeming his name in ecstasy.

'With you? Never', he laughed And that's how I spend whole night screeming his name in ecstasy

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Here you go for the next chapter. I hope you like it!!

•Are you Team Boy or Team Girl??


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