VIII- 𝕯𝖆𝖙𝖊?

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Sophia's POV

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Sophia's POV

'What does dressing fancy mean?', I mumbled as I stared at my closet for 15 minutes.
'Hey! need help', Cynthia poked her head.
'Thank God Cynthia', I said as I pulled her in.
'Jacob said dress fancy. What does it mean?', I asked as I crashed on the near by love seat.
'Lemme check what we have here', Cynthia said as she goes in the closet.

After almost 10 minutes she back holding the a beautiful black high neck dress, pairing with a pair of nude heels and a diamond earrings.

After almost 10 minutes she back holding the a beautiful black high neck dress, pairing with a pair of nude heels and a diamond earrings

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'This looks fancy. Comeon wear it and I will do your hair and makeup', Cynthia said ushering me in the bathroom.
For the next one hour Cynthia does my makeup and hair.
'Anddd... It's done', she smiled as she turned me around to see myself.
'Oh my... You work wonders Cynthia', I smiled as I hugged her.
'My Pleasure', she smiled and right on cue there was a knock.
I smiled at Cynthia as I went to open the door.
'Here take this', she says handing me a small black bag.

'You look beautiful love', Jacob smiled as he kissed my forehead
'Thank you', I blushed. Seeing my reaction he chuckled and held my hand as we walked down the stairs.
'Where are we going?', she asked as I opened the door for her.
'That my lovely is a surprise', I smiled as I started the car.
'Maybe you could give me a hint', she said giving me that puppy dog eyes.
'Goddess don't give me those eyes love', i said as i held her hand in mine.
I knew he is not gonna tell me so, i took a deep breath and sunk my head in the plush leather seats of the car and closed my eyes.

'Love... get up!', a soft velvety voice broke my sleep.
'We have reached the spot babe', he says as he picks me up.
'Where are we Jacob?', I asked
'We are in a human town love', he says as we walked in a beautiful restaurant
'My King', a man walked upto us as he bowed.
'Kyle, this is Sophia my mate', Jacob said as I smiled to him.
'My queen. It's a pleasure to serve you ma'am. Please allow me show you your seats', he bowed as I smiled at him.
We followed him through a beautiful alley as lit up lots of glass chandelier, and the light reflected from them make the place look straight Out of a fairytale. Kyle took us to our seats which was placed on the balcony overlooking the New York Skyline.
'This place is so beautiful Jacob', I said looking around.
'I am glad you like it princess', he smiled as he pulled a chair or me.

The rest of the night went good we chat and had a gala time. I learnt many things about his life and childhood, and once I could say he was a messy kid.
'How old are you Jacob?', I asked curious.
'Aahh.. well it's actually 250', he mumbled as I chocked on my drink.
'2..50?', I asked shocked as Jacob rubbed my back.
'That's... Old', I asked shocked from the sudden revelation.
'Yaa, that's old', he said as his cheeks turned red.
'But.. you don't look more than 24 years', I questioned
'Well we age way too slow as compared to humans', he explained as I nodded 'It's crazy Jacob', i mumbled.
'I know... it's crazy', he smiled looking down.
Just as the situation was about to go awkward, the waiter interrupted us.
'Would you like to have some dessert?',he asked
'Yes, I would like to have a chocolate cake with fresh strawberries', Jacob said as he passed the menu back to the waiter.
'I will have same', I said as I smiled giving him the menu back.
Within few minutes we were served within few minutes. As we sit in silence enjoying as the sweet taste of the chocolate in our mouth.
'Ready to go love', Jacob asked as we finished.
'Ya. Let's go', I smiled. We walked out of the restaurant hand in hand.

'Jacob where are we going?', I asked
'Surprise', he smiled as he put his hand on my thigh.
'Again?', I asked
'Patience princess', he smiled
'Fine', I mumbled as I laid back facing the window as my thought drifted from my parents to Jacob.

Jacob had been nothing but loving to me. I know I told him I am willing to give him a chance and I really wanted to give him a chance. I know people believe Jacob to be like a beast and to be true he is. He is a beast and I have seen it first hand but, I am not scared he has always been a beast to safe me. It has always been me for him. Always.

'Jacob?', I asked
'Humm', he asked
'Do you love me?', I asked
'Yes', he confessed without even missing a beat.
'Okay', I nodded
'Do you love me?', he asked looking at me with hopeful eyes.
'I don't know', I whispered.
'It's okay we have lots of time to figure it out', he smiled.
I sat down as the inhaling Jacob scent which fills the car feeling safe. Even I don't realise when I started feeling his scent with safety.

'We are here', Jacob announced breaking me from my chain of thoughts.
'Where are we Jacob?', I asked as the surrounding was dark.
'Don't worry love, come. You are safe with me', he smiled.
We walked in the forest. But, I was finding it difficult walking with the heels on the forest floor. I think Jacob noticed it because in another minute he picked me up.
'Jacob', I shrieked. He smiled down at me and kept walking.
After few minutes we reached in the clearing. Jacob put me down gently with his arms around my waist.
'What are we doing here?', I asked
'Just wait sweetheart. Sit here', he said pointing me to a wood log. Within minutes he came out carrying woods as he light up the bonfire. He picked me up as he placed me on his lap putting his face in the crook of my neck breathing in my scent.
'You are so beautiful love. You have no idea. I always thought I will not have a mate ever because of how many life I have destroyed. People always said I am cured and I will never find a mate. But, then you walked into my life and filled the void. I always use to thought how could angel like you ended up with me. There had to be some mistake by Goddess by sending you to me but, I am selfish enough to keep an angel like you for myself. An angel trapped  with a sinner. But, I promise you Sophia nobody can love you like I can cause only a tainted soul like mine can love this way. If on one end stand their beloved and on another the whole world the sinner will destroy the whole world so, their is nothing but his beloved to choose. The devil's will burn down the world but will never allow a flame to touch his love. You are mine, my 'miraculum', the red eyes glowed dangerously bright with a promise if passion unlike any other.
'You are not a beast Jacob. I know I have not known you for long but, I do know you enough to know that you are not a beast. You are nothing but a beautiful soul trying to find solace in this chaotic world', I whispered looking deep in his eyes. At that moment it felt like nothing mattered there was just nothing but him and I.
I smiled looking at him as i leaned in placing my lips on him softly kissing him as his hand moved from my waist to my hair holding me close to him.
Placing my head on his shoulder I sighed basking in the warmth of my mate.

Placing my head on his shoulder I sighed basking in the warmth of my mate

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Aahhhh!!! They kissed like K-I-S-S-E-D.....
It's cause of character like Jacob I don't have a boyfriend 🙄


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