XXI- 𝕷𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝕱𝖊𝖊𝖙𝖘

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'The littlest feet make the biggest  footprints in our hearts'

'The littlest feet make the biggest  footprints in our hearts'

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I noticed that's been a long since I had my last period. I was a week late but I paid no attention as I do suffer from irregular cycle but this morning I vomited which I have never like this before. Could I be? With these thoughts I was walking to Jacob's office.
'Hey! Love', he smiled as he saw me.
'Hi!', I smiled
'I am going out with Cynthia. I need to get some things from market', I said
'Sure', he smiled
'Fo you want something?', I asked
'No love, I don't need anything', he shook his head

'How late are you?', she asked as we drove to the market.
'A week probably', I said
'Oh my god! I am so happy', she smiled
'I am not sure if it's true Cynthia, I suffer from irregular cycle', I rolled my eyes.
'Oh comeon! I think you are', she laughed.
We bought two pregnancy kits as I want to the bathroom to check. It was the longest 2 minutes of my life.
'What it is?', Cynthia asked
'I don't know', I said
After washing my hands we walked out.
'They positive', I said
'Oh my god!', Cynthia smiled hugging me.
'I am so happy Cynthia', I smiled hugging me back.
'How are you gonna tell Alpha?', she asked
'I think I have an idea', I smiled.

'Jacob?', I called
'Yes!', he called back
'Come here please', I said
'Just a minute', he said
I sat on the bed anxious about his reaction.
'Ya! What it is?', he asked
'I got you something', I smiled as I patted the space beside.
'Here put this on', I handed him a eye cover.
'Why?',he asked confused
'Just put it on', I said placing it on his eyes.
'Don't move', I said as I walked in the closet and got the surprise box out. I slowly put it on the bed.
'Now open your eyes', I said a he removed the covers.
'What is this?', he asked looking at box.
'Open it', I said smiling.

As he opened the box his eyes grew wide with surprise

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As he opened the box his eyes grew wide with surprise.
'You... You are... Pregnant?', he asked totally surprised
'Yes', I smiled
'Oh my God. I can't....just', he laughed hugging me as he picked me up.
'You have no idea how happy you have made me', he smiled kissing my lips.
He crouched down as he put his head on my stomach.
'I can't wait to meet you baby, I already love you so much', he whispered softly kissing
'Now we have to set few rules. One you are not gonna do any work, Two you have to stay with me all the time', he said laying me down on the bed.
'We have to visit the doctor and see what he tells', I laughed
'Yes, I will ask the pack doctor', he said
'How many people know?', he asked
'Cynthia came with me so, she know and I am sure Rupert know as well now', I said.
'We have to tell pack members', he said
'Jacob can we like keep it to ourselves for like 2 or 3 weeks and then we we can tell as it started showing', I said
'Ya sure anything you want', he smiled .

'Do you see that small blip there Luna', the doctor said pointing out a small dot in the machine
'Yes', I nodded looking Jacob where he was smiling
'That's your baby', he said as tears fall down my face.
'Can I have a picture?', I asked
'Sure Luna', the doctor nodded as he printed me a picture.
'Thank you doctor', I smiled
'I am giving you some vitamin tablets and your pregnancy is gonna be short probably 5-6 months as Warewolf baby grow fast', he said writing down.
'Doctor can you not tell anyone about this yet please?', Jacob said
'Sure Alpha don't worry', he smiled.
'Thanks', I nodded.

'How did it go?', Cynthia asked
'Good', I smiled.
'When are you planning to tell everyone?', she asked
'In like 2-3 weeks', I said
'Humm', she hummed
'What do you want boy or girl?', she asked
'I don't have a preference just a healthy baby would do', I smiled
'Thats more important', she said
'How about we plan your ceremony?', she said
'Ceremony?', I asked confused
'Ya! It's like baby shower where you will announce your pregnancy but, since you have not told anyone we both could prepare it so, it won't be a hassle', she explained
'Sure', I said

These days I usually spend in my room where Cynthia and I spend preparing for the ceremony sometimes joined by Jacob. Living alone in a palace sure have few perks.
Now-a-days I wear baggy clothes as they are comfortable and hides my small bump from omega's who work in the kitchen.
'Hey!', Jacob walked in
'Hi!', I said said munching on my chips as I watch the movie.
'Jacob move', I said with my mouth full of chips.
'Oh sorry love', he smiled sheepishly as I he moved from the front of T.V
'How's your preparation going on?', he asked
'Good', I nodded
'Do you want something love?', he asked
'Nah! I am good', I smiled
He laid next to me as he put his head on my tummy. Since we have found about my pregnancy he have started talking to baby telling about his day and all. To be honest I find it preety adorable.
Soon i feel eyes getting heavy which I feel quite often these days I switched off the T.V and laid down snuggling to Jacob.

My sleep breaks in the middle of the night due to hunger, I slowly got down of the bed and walked down to the kitchen but, there was no ice-cream and I felt emotions hit me like a truck as a tears pool in my eyes.
I closed the refrigerator as I st down on the counter crying. This is such a stupid this to cry on but then I again cried cause I felt stupid.
'Sophia! Love you okay?', Jacob rushed to me.
'I wanted to have ice-cream and pickles but it was not here but then I felt stupid to cry over this', I explained
'Its okay do you still want ice-cream amd pickles?', he asked as I nodded
'Okay, just let me get my car keys and then we can get your stuff?',
'Okay!', I nodded
He rushed upstairs to get stuff while I got down from the kitchen slab.
'Here sweetheart put this on', he said putting one of his shirts on me.
He opened the door for me as I carefully sat in. We drove to McDonald's where I got my ice-cream with pickles.
'Happy?', he asked
'Very', I smiled

'Happy?', he asked'Very', I smiled

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Aaahhhh!!! Sophia's pregnant. I am so happy this story is coming to end. Maybe 3-4 chapters are left.

Let me know how you feel about this!!


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