Family secrets

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"I hate you so much." Nico muttered as he took one step on the warm sand on the beach at Lloret de Mar, a small city in Spain. His head throbbed from the Portkey transportation. Will rolled his eyes as he took his smaller boyfriends hand as the others walked in front of them towards a spot where there weren't many people. "Of course, hot topic." Will teased as he looked at Nico's choice of outfit. Nico blushed, he couldn't help but chose to wear a black tank top and shorts, it wasn't like he was planning on going swimming anyway. "Come on, di Angelo!" Draco called out to them, waving to them with one hand and buttoning off his shirt with the other. Pansy rushed to Draco's side as she helped him unbutton his shirt while looking like a mother with a young misbehaving toddler. Blaise and Theodore were unpacking all their food and drinks while Thalia was trying to teach Daphne how to kill men. "Look, Percy's already in the water!" Will exclaimed as he pointed towards the sea where Percy was swimming happily. Nico looked at his boyfriend who was beaming at the sight of their friends and leaned towards his bare chest. Will's blue eyes turned towards Nico and blushed before dragging him over to them. 

"Let's have fun before the golden trio get here!" Will said as Nico went along silently. Daphne, who wore a one piece swimsuit that covered her up well greeted them with a smile. "Hello Nico, Will." She said. "Aren't you planning on taking a swim, Nico?" Nico shook his head as he grimaced at the ocean. "No, I brought some books for me to read." He said as he showed off his bag. Daphne nodded as she pointed towards her own purse. "I also brought some books just in case." Pansy walked towards them curious. Unlike Daphne, she wore a light pink bikini that suited her well with light shawl. "Wait, you're reading? Aren't you dyslexic?" Pansy asked which, unlike Hermione, seemed to be purely out of curiosity and not suspicion. "Yes, but it doesn't affect me as much when I read in greek, so my father bought all my books in greek." Nico answered. Pansy's eyes had a small glimpse of something Nico didn't understand as she took his hand and dragged him over to where she had her stuff. 

"I hope you don't mind, but I got curious about your family name so I kinda did a bit of research." She informed him as they sat down on a picnic blanket. "And I kinda bugged Draco into telling me more about you three and I'm pretty sure you're related to one of the oldest pureblood families from Italy, the house of di Angelo!" Nico blinked as he tried to process everything he heard from the girl in front og him. He wasn't surprised at all that there would be more di Angelos in the world after he meet Ashton, whom he still hadn't contacted. "I guess you already knew that." Pansy said as she gave him a small smile. "Want me to continue?" Nico nodded, wanting to know more about his potential relatives. "Well, the di Angelos were once a powerful house said to be blessed by lady magic herself. But as time went by, many of the di Angelos abandoned the pureblood ways and most of the girls and women of the house, wanting to escape the family ended up marrying muggles."

Nico's eyes furrowed as he glanced towards the sea. "Why? The house sounds nice to me." Pansy hesitated before she continued. "That's what everyone thought. Turns out, the di Angelo children were often forced into a magical education from a young age with harsh methods and gruesome punishment. They were on Grindelwald's side on the Global Wizarding War, so they pushed them into magical exhaustion which sometimes lead to the death of the kids." Nico's face paled as he took in everything he was hearing. It would make sense if his mother was one of the women who escaped the house, since Hades met her in America while she was on the run, and being clear sighted could be a side affect of having strong magical powers. "Thank you for telling me, Parkinson." Nico said as he turned towards her, hands wrapped around his knees. She gave him a smile as she stood up and stretched a bit. "You can call me Pansy. Tell me if you ever need something." She walked away towards Draco, Thalia and Daphne. "You ok, princey?" A warm voice asked as he laid down on the blanket. "I'm fine, Will." Nico said honestly. "Pansy told me about the house of di Angelo." Will sat down next to Nico as he ran his fingers through Nicos dark hair. "Want to talk about it?" Will asked softly. Nico shook his head. 

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