Finally getting out of the apartment

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The day had finally come! The day where Nico and his cousins could finally get out of the house! Even if it was for shopping, it was better than nothing. He had been talking to Will the other day, making arrangement to meet with him at the wizarding shopping place. He could finally see his boyfriend again. Not that he missed him or anything, just enjoyed his smile and company once a while, you know? 

They were now out of the apartment at Madam Malkins, to get their uniforms tailored. "Ugghh! It's taking to long!" Percy complained. "Yeah, it's killing me!" Thalia groaned while her fingers were twitching. "And why do I have to wear a stupid skirt to this school? It's so impractical!" The woman working there gave Thalia a small amused smile. "If you want to, you can get a pair og trousers to, my dear?" Thalia sighed and returned a smile. "It would be nice, miss."  Nico groaned as his left feet was shaking a bit. He too was tired of waiting, even tho it had only been a few 10 minutes. "Hey, what's the clock?" Nico asked.

"A clock is a device that tells what time it is and-" Percy started with a grin before Nico growled. "I meant 'What time it is' dip shit!" Nico shouted. "Time is an illusion that-" Thalia joined before Nico groaned loudly. His older friends laughed at him as he became more and more impatient. "Well, it's 11 o'clock now." A voice interrupted them. Nico turned to his side to see his Harry standing there with some bags. Nico gave a small thanks and turned to grab the workers attention. "Ma'am, when will I be finished? I have someone I would like to meet soon." Nico asked respectfully.

The worker gave him a small smile. "It'll just take a minute then you'll be free to go off." Nico smiled back and turned to his friends. "I can't wait to go to the ice cream shop. I haven't had ice cream since I was like, ten?" Percy smirked. "Wait, you're not ten?" Thalia snorted loudly and Harry grinned, making Nico blush and turned his head away. It wasn't his fault that the ice cream machine at McDonalds was always broken. Time passed and they were all finally out of the shop. The rest of the group met them at Florean Fortescue's ice cream parlour, where Percy, Thalia, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Mr. &  Mrs. Weasley, Fred, George and Nico sat around a big table.

"Molly? Would it be fine for my cousins and I to just spend the day shopping with my boyfriend and meet you at a place later?" Nico asked. Mrs. Weasley looked a bit surprise before nodding. "It's fine, dear. Just be sure to meet us at Ollivander's at 2 o'clock to purches your wands with us." "Thank you, ma'am." Nico smiled. "Nico! Death boy!" A voice called by the door. "Come on, let's go!" The three went over to their blond friend and walked out of the store, with Nico in his arm.

"So, where do you guys wanna go?" Will asked. "We could go get you guys a magical pet each." Percy gave him a confused look. "Why would we need a pet?" Thalia joined him. "Yeah, and how are they magical?" Will shrugged. "I don't know, man. Wizards like to have a pet to keep them company. And for the other question, I don't know either." He grinned. Nico got excited. "Since they're magical, do you think they'll like me?" He asked with a little excitement. Will blushed and coughed and looked over to a building.

"How about we find out together?" He asked Nico, who nodded with a big smile. As they stepped into Magical Menagerie, Thalia's eyes immediately landed on an eagle. "I want her." Thalia stated. "It's actually him." The worker said with a smile and an Italian accent. "And he's a good boy as far as I know. He was brought here not to long ago, by an older man with a weird name." Nico looked at Thalia, who seemed to have fallen in love with the bird, something that he found ironic. 

"Can I have him?" She asked excited. "Of course, just go approach him." Nico lost interest and went over to Percy, who was near the snakes. "Hey, what's going on?" He asked as he saw Percy looking disturbed. "Can't you hear them?" Percy whispered. Nico gave him a confused look. "Hear what?" Percy shook his head. "The snakes. " Nico's eyes became alarmed and went over to the worker. "Excuse me, sir. Is it normal to be able to talk to snakes?" The man's face became a bit concerned and turned to see the other boy near the snakes staring at them. "No, it's pretty rare. And most people who speaks parseltongue don't really have a good reputation." 

Nico simply guessed that parseltongue meant something along of being able to talk to snake. Nico, along with the worker walked away from Thalia and Will, who were having a fun time with the eagle. "Percy looked over to the worker and pointed at a white snake with big yellow and gold spots. "I want her, please." The worker looked at the snake, and back at the tan boy. "Not to discourage you or anything, but why would you want her?" He asked as he took her out of her glass cage. "The others were mean to her." Percy shrugged. "They were mean to her?" Nico questioned while looking at the cute little baby snake. 

"Yeah. She's the only albino one here and the others think she's ugly so I want her." Percy explained. The worker now had a smile on his face, and handed the snake. "Here you go!" He said. "It's not everyday you meet a parselmouth nowadays." Nico smiled at the snake as she made some cute noises. "A parselmouth?" Percy asked confused. "It's someone who's able to speak parseltongue, the language of snakes." The worker explained. "My names Ashton di Angelo, by the way." Nico's mouth dropped and stared at Ashton.

"What? Why?" Ashton asked confused as he handed Percy the small snake. "My names Nico di Angelo. We have the same last name!" Nico explained. Ashton gave the younger Italian an amused look. "Don't tell me you're related to a women named 'Maria di Angelo' who disappeared from Italy, like around world war 2?" He asked with a little grin. Nico's eyes widened and turned to Will, who started to pay attention to what was going on around his boyfriend.

"I don't know about that, but my moms name is Maria di Angelo." Nico lied. Ashton gave him a small smile and pulled out a small card and handed it to Nico. "Why don't you owl me later and we'll find out if we're related." Ashton said before turning to Percy. "Follow me, snake charmer, let's find some supplies you'll need for your new pal." Both of them walked into another room and disappeared, leaving Nico alone with the two others. Will walked up to Nico and placed his left hand around Nicos waist.

"You ok?" Will asked gently as he saw his mildly distressed boyfriend. "Y-yeah." Nico replied. "A bit surprised, but I'm fine." Will didn't look convinced but let go of it for now. "Why don't we look around for a pet for you?" Will asked, changing the subject. "My toad, Liams at home." The two boys looked around at the store, looking first amongst the owls, who all seemed to hate Percy, to the toads. Being the impatient kid that he was, Nico began to grow tired of looking just after five minutes. That was until a small little creature caught his eyes. Nico walked over to an area where all the kittens were playing together, all except one. The small kitten was a black and white tuxedo cat, with bright blue eyes. 

Nico went over to the kitten, who seemed to be inviting him closer. Nico gave the cat some strokes on it's back, before completely falling for the kittens soft purrs. "Well would you look at that." Will interrupted, standing behind him with a grin. "You have found yourself a little friend." Nico nodded and picked the kitten up and placed it in his arms. "I really want him... Or her." Nico confessed. "I see you've met our special little kitten." Ashton said as he walked over. "Why is he or she so special?" Will asked puzzled. Ashton gave them an amused look. "Well, if you look closer, Nico, you'll see that she only has three legs." Nico froze for  second, before looking down at the kitten in his arm. Ashton was right, the kitten only had three legs, three paws. 

"Oh.." Nico replied. "I still want her." Will smiled and tried to pet the kitten, only for her to hiss at him, making Will pout. "She doesn't like me." Will wined. Nico rolled his eyes and smirked. "Even better." They all made their purchase, which included housing for the snake, cage for the eagle, bed for the kitten, food, etc. Luckily, they were able to somehow teleport all the things and their new pets safely to Grimmauld place, with the help of Mr. Weasley who had passed by the store and saw them. They walked out of the store and made their way to Ollivanders's together. 

"So, what are you going to name your new little friends?" Mr. Weasley asked enthusiastically. "My eagles name's Ajax!" Thalia exclaimed proudly. "Doesn't it just mean 'powerful eagle'?" Nico asked as his boyfriend snickered. "Yes, so what?" Thalia questioned defensively. Percy rolled his eyes. "Well," Percy began. "Mine's name is Agape, meaning-"  "-pure angelic love!" Will interrupted with a grin. "Y'all are really obsessed with that anime, huh?" Percy teased. "No, we're not! We just enjoy watching it." Nico defended.

"Well, have you decided your kittens name?" Mr. Weasley asked Nico. "Yeah. Her name is Maria Bianca, or Mari-Bia for short." Nico said. His cousins gave him a soft smile and his boyfriend gave him a soft kiss on his cheek. Nico blushed a deep shade of red and held Wills hand firmer. "So, Mr. Weasley. Are we there yet?" Nico asked. The man gave him a nod before stopping in front of a narrow and shabby shop. "We have arrived."

Stay safe everyone! In times like these, it's important to make sure to always find new things to try or explore! - Author

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