Lie or dare

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Why does Perseus have a tattoo? Why is Nico so skinny? Why do they have so many weapons? There were so many theories and thoughts on Hermione's head and she noticed that they seemed to be very religious, since they threw part of the food on their plates in to the burning fireplace. In what religion was that a thing? As she sat besides Ron and Harry, who were discussing which house the three cousins would be in, Hermione picked up a list of games that she had found. As she looked through the list, her eyes could not leave a game that could help her get all the answer she wanted. Truth or dare.

She turned to her friends, who were at this point just guessing at this point. "Harry, Ron." She called to them. "What if we play truth or dare with Perseus, Thalia and Nico?" Ron shrugged and agreed while Harry hesitated. "Do you think they want to hang with us? From what I saw at dinner, Percy seems to be a bit anti social towards us." Harry said. Hermione rolled her eyes as she walked out of the room to get the three cousins. 

Right before when she knocked on the door, she heard multiple voices. She recognized Will Solace's and Piper McLean's voices. She knocked the door softly and took a few steps back. Not long after she knocked on the door she was greeted by Nico, who's face was bright red. "Hi, Hermione. Do you need anything?" He asked. Hermione looked behind him, where the two others seemed to be... arm wrestling? 

"No, I was just wondering if all of you would like to join us for in the living room. We're playing truth or dare and it would be more enjoyable with more than three people." Hermione told Nico, who looked over his shoulder and said something to the others in a language that she couldn't recognize. "Sure Hermione." Nico replied. "Just give us a moment, we'll be down in a few minutes."

Hermione nodded and walked away with a smirk, her plan was working so far and she could prove Harry wrong. When she arrived back to her two friends three more gingers had appeared in the room. "Hi Ginny, Fred, George." She greeted before making herself comfy on the floor in between Ginny and Harry. "Ron told us you invited the Americans to play some games and we wanted to join in." Ginny explained. "Don't you mean 'the dark cousins'?" Fred asked.

"Or 'the evil trio'?" George chimed in. "The grumpy faces?" Fred replied. "Or doom and gloms?" Ron joined in snickering. "The knock off death eaters?" The twins giggled with a smirk. "What about: 'We know how to hide a body without getting caught'?" Someone interrupted. They all turned towards the door where Nico and Thalia stood in front of Percy, who looked awfully intimidating. Hermione looked over at Harry, who seemed to be surprisingly calm as if he was used to the glares. But on the other hand, the red head brothers seemed to be frightened to death.

"Hey Nico, Thalia, Percy." Harry greeted as they slowly walked in. "How's Grimmauld place treating you?" Percy shrugged and sat down next to Ginny, while the others sat down besides the Weasley twins. "It's ok, I guess." Percy replied. "I'm still getting used to the fact that mom was a witch and managed to keep that secret from me for the past seventeen years." Ron rolled his eyes and frowned. "Why didn't your mom tell you about the wizarding world? I mean, she IS you-know-who's daughter for merlins sake!" Ron exclaimed rudely. "Hey! Are we playing this game or not?" Thalia interrupted.

"Yeah, I'd rather have a conversation about my love life with Drew Tanaka than sitting here listening to your TedTalk about Voldemort." Nico added frustrated. "Why don't you start the game, Nico?" Hermione asked. "Sure." Nico answered. "Truth or dare, Ron." The red head thought for a while, becoming a little more nervous as seconds went by. "Truth." He picked. Nico smirked and looked over at Thalia, who raised her eyebrow. "If you had to kill your sister to save your family from poverty and then become the riches family in the world, would you do it?"

Ron eyes widened, horrified by the thought of Ginny dying and looked over at his siblings. They looked at him dead in the soul, silently judging their brother. "No! Never!" Ron answered. "Hhmm.. Ok." Nico answered satisfied as he saw Rons horrified face. "Harry," Ron called. "Truth or dare?" Harry smirked confidently as he straighten up. "Truth." Hermione rolled her eyes, it seemed that Harry was trying to impress the Americans. "Would you snogg Malfoy to get Cho Chang to be your girlfriend?" Ron asked with a smirk while Hermione face palmed. 

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