A sirius discovery

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Percy stumbled back in surprise but didn't show any reaction to the man in front of him. He slowly put away his headphones and stopped the next song from playing. Then he stared into Sirius' eyes, the window to the soul. To his surprise, Percy couldn't read him as well as he could read Harry and his friends, but it wasn't as hard as reading Nico and Reyna. There had clearly been something traumatic that happened not to long ago that haunted him, and Sirius was either really stressed and anxious but really not showing it, or he was a psychopath. He couldn't tell.

He nodded his head as Sirius lead him to a little corner by a fireplace where there were two comfy green couches. Percy sat down on one of the couches, making sure he was nice and comfy, before giving Sirius a small smile. "So," Sirius began. "Sally told me you've been going to this: 'Camp Half blood' since you were twelve? Do you enjoy it?" Percy's smile became brighter when he heard the question. "Yeah, I've been going to camp since I was twelve. I really enjoy camp since I learned about my dad there, and met my cousins there. I also met my girlfriend, Annabeth, there." He said happily.

"Really?" Sirius asked amused. Percy nodded excitedly. "When I came to the camp, I noticed that almost all of the campers were very... um, they think of you very highly. Why is that Percy?" Percy could feel his heart pound faster and faster, how could he explain this with out sounding suspicious? His eyes meet Sirius' eyes. Only one way to find out. "When I was sixteen, there was a terrorist attack at camp." He began. "The terrorist were a group of people who despised our parents, since many of the campers, including me, have very political parents. My friends and I were scared to death, not only because they wanted us dead. But they had manipulated some of our friends into joining them."

"On my birthday, they attacked our camp, and our parents quickly came to the war zone to help out. But this was an attack after all, so of course we lost some friends. Heck, some of them were not even older than ten!"  Percy vented as he suppress his tears. Sirius looked at the boy in shock. He wasn't the corrupt and manipulative teen he had anticipated. Instead, he was a broken boy from a broken past, much like his. They sat in complete silence for a while, until Percy's quiet sobs broke loose. 

Sirius immediately became alarmed and slowly walked over to the boy who was desperately trying to hide his tears with his hands while trembling. He slowly put a hand on his shoulder, confused to what to do. But before he could do anything more, one of his cousins, Nico, walked in. "Percy!" He yelled worriedly. Nico quickly fled to the scene, pushed the older man out of the way and got Percy out of the room to their bedroom. Sirius stood there stunned. He didn't know what surprised him the most. The fact that Nico, without his leather jacket was very skinny, or that the fourteen year old was strong enough to push him with such force. He slowly got to one of the couches and leaned back against it. He really needed some wine right now.


After a few hours it was dinner time. Harry, Ron and Hermione walked over to the kitchen and sat themselves down. Harry looked across the long table to give Sirius a smile, but his godfather seemed to have something in his mind. "What's wrong, Sirius?" He asked, with a small voice. "I'm fine, Harry." Sirius said, putting on a smile quickly. "Why don't you and Ron go fetch the Americans? They're probably hungry." Harry quickly made eye contact with Ron, who wasn't so happy to see the Americans again. 

They quickly went up stair and knocked on the door of their bedroom. "Guys, it's dinner time." Harry called and opened the door. Inside, Percy and Nico seemed to be playing a card game, while Thalia was throwing knives at a closet door. "Ok." Nico muttered uninterested. Thalia turned her head to the boy sitting on the other bed, and rolled her eyes. "Neeks, you need to start eating more, or I'll tell your dad and Will about how you're skipping meals." Thalia warned.

"I'm not hungry." Nico muttered again. Percy smiled and lightly pushed Nico's elbow. "Come on, Death-boy. Mrs. Weasley probably worked her but off for dinner. The least you can do is eat a little." Nico slowly got off the bed and walked over to the door where Ron and Harry stood silently. "Fine. As long as you don't tell Will... or dad." Percy's smile grew and before Harry knew it, they were all heading down for dinner.

Sorry I've been away for so long. I have strict parents and don't have much freedom since I'm a 10th grader now (I live in Norway and the school system is different from American school system) I hope you enjoyed it!- Author.

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