Evil or American?

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As soon as Mr. Brunner announced who was joining them, there were mixed emotions. Nico, who looked like Hermione's age, groaned and muttered something about war and nap. While Thalia on the other hand went up to Percy and ruffles up his hair playfully, while the rest of the girls with blue rolled their eyes. Percy's girlfriend, who Hermione just realized was his girlfriend, smiled sadly while giving him a kiss on the cheek. "But why can't the seven join him?" The girl with color changing eyes, Piper, asked. 'The seven?' Hermione wondered. She looked over at Sirius and Remus, who also looked a bit puzzled.

"That because there are already campers here who goes to Hogwarts as witches and wizards, Piper." Mr. Brunner answered. "And those I'm talking abut now are; Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Cho Chang, Will Solace, Lou Ellen Blackstone and our former camper, Cedric Diggory." At the mention of Cedric, Hermione felt a little bit down. And as she looked around, most of them apparently did. But non of them could be compered to how Cho felt. They were dating after all. "Wait, Will. Are you telling me your a wizard and you didn't tell us about it?" Asked a girl with green hair, interrupting the sadness with irritation. Will glanced over at Nico, who was equally irritated as the girl, and sighed. "I'm sorry Kayla, but we weren't allowed to tell anyone about The Wizarding world."

"I'm your sister, for Hades sake!" Kayla yelled. "I swear to the gods I'm gonna shoot your ass you little-" "All right campers!" Mr. Brunner interrupted loudly. "Go back to your activities. Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Leo, Draco, Luna and Neville, please show our guest around while we, the adults talk." Percy smiled and looked over at Hermione and her friends and he walked over to them. "I guess I'm not so popular with the wizarding world because of my father, eh?"

Hermione raised her eyebrow while Ron nodded and Harry chuckled. "I mean, I can't really blame them, can I?" Percy asked. "I'm really sorry for the troubles my grandfather caused you. I know how it feels to grow up with people who doesn't like you." Hermione frowned. She had already met Percy's mother and step-father, and they seemed like really good people. "What do you mean by that? Your parents were really nice to us when we met them." questioned Hermione. Annabeth stepped in front of Percy, giving Hermione a face that Hermione would never be able to forget. 

"What he went through is non of your business, smarty pants." Before Hermione could reply, Percy pushed them from each other. "Whoa whoa whoa, girls! Take it easy! It's ok, Annabeth, my grandfather did kill her friend's parents after all." Percy reminded her. "To answer your question, of course my Mother is lovely and my step-father is cool. But before Paul, I had another step-father who wasn't exactly the best. I thought he only hated me and hit me, but it turned out he also hit my mother." Hermione felt a little guilt for the way she acted, but this was You-know-who's grandson after all. She could not understand how Ron is so cool about this. She thought he would be hateful towards him, but he seemed to be ok with him. "I know it's not much of a deal compered to your story Harry, but I hope you don't hate me for what my grandfather did." Percy said.

 "I mean, can I really blame you?" Harry asked. "What happened wasn't your fault. You seem like a nice guy to me." Hermione stared at her friend, how could he say that? A latino boy, Leo, jumped in between them and patted Percy's chin. "No one can really hate Kelp head , you know?" He said with a grin. "Now, let's give these people a tour!"

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