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"So this is the place?" Ron asked as they got to the apartment. Hermione slowly looked around the apartment. It didn't seem suspicious at all. It did come to her that she shouldn't judge the family based of what one of them turned out to be, but her curiosity was to big. As they slowly reached the door, she noticed that Harry was quite pale. 

She knew instantly why. Her friend witnessed the death of Cedric Diggory and You- know- Who's return after all. She turned back to door door as it opened, and there stood an older man, with dark hair and glasses. He looked at all of them and smiled wide. "Professor Dumbledore!" He greeted. "Why are you here? And not to be impolite, but why is Sirius Black with you?" 

Professor Dumbledore laughed. "Don't worry Paul, Sirius here is innocent. He wasn't the secret keeper after all." Paul nodded and gave his hand out to Sirius. "My names Paul Blofis, Sally's husband." Sirius shook his hand politely. "Sirius Black." Paul greeted and gave Remus a hand too. "Remus Lupin." Remus greeted as they shook their hands. Paul turned over to the three young kids and smiled. "And who might you be, kids?" He asked.

Hermione stepped forward and shook his hands. "Hermione Granger. Muggleborn and fifth year at Hogwarts." Ron greeted him next. "Ron Weasley. Pureblood and fifth year at Hogwarts." Paul blinked twice as he studied Ron, before he smiled. "Are you by chance Molly and Arthur Weasleys' son?" He asked. Ron blushed and nodded, causing Paul to laugh. "You see, your father and I were good friends back in the day." He explained. 

Paul the turned to Harry, who was still in shock. "And who might you be, young man?" Harry recovered quickly and firmly shook his hand. "Harry Potter, sir. Half-blood and fifth year at Hogwarts." Paul's eyes shined as he listened to Harry. "So your James and Lily's son." He said. "I think you and Percy could get along fine." He said grinning. He then turned to the adults, as he stepped inside the apartment. "Why don't you come in?"

They all stepped in the house and sat of the sofa, and the adults talked awhile before a woman came in. She was a woman looking between 30 and 40 years old, with brown hair and bright blue eyes. She was wearing a smile as she stepped inside, before her eyes met Sirius. "Sirius." She breathed softly. "Remus, Professor Dumbledore. Why are you here?"


"So is my son in danger?" Sally asked with worry in her voice. Professor Dumbledore thought for a while before smiling sadly. "If we don't get him to Hogwarts soon, he might be." Sally and Paul looked at each other for a while, before nodding. Hermione turned her attention to Harry, who looked uncertain and very shy. They had only been here for 30 minutes, but Sally had feed them blue cookies and coke. 

From what Hermione had gathered, Paul was Percy's step- father. But them seem to get along quite well since on the pictures on the wall, they looked like a very happy family. Sally was wonderful as far as they had seen. She was very polite, but quite sassy too. Her, Sirius and Remus were very easy around each other, and she was very kind and gentle too her, Harry and Ron too.

"Alright." Sally finally spoke. "Professor, Percy's at camp right now, but I think I can contact the camp director too see if you can stay there for the night." But Professor Dumbledore smiled and shook his head. "There's no need for that Sally, I've got it covered." Sally sighed and relaxed a bit more. "But if you want to get Percy to join you, you have to tell the whole camp about magic." Sally said. "You see, they've just been through some terrorist attacks and are very protective of each other. Especially Percy, since he saved many of the children's life."

Hermione, Harry and Ron looked at each other, curious too what the grandson of You- Know- Who could've been through. And why would they tell them about magic? And what was so special about them? Ron leaned forward to grab one more cookie and turned over too Sally. "Mrs. Sally, why are you're cookies blue?"

Sally giggled and grabbed a cookie herself. "It's an inside joke between me and Percy, you see. Percy's previous step- father, told Percy when he was younger, that there was no such thing as blue food, and Percy got really sad. So I made it sure to give him as much blu food as I can."

Ron nodded and ate the delicious cookie, as Harry and Hermione had a discussion. 

That's the end of chapter two! I hoped you liked it. - Author

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