Dogwood and Justice for Christina

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As Percy and his friends walked into the Wand shop, they were immediately taken aback by how big the shop was compared to how it looked on the outside. "Whoa." Thalia exclaimed, looking at all the small boxes everywhere, which Percy assumed had wands inside. "There are so many wands here!" Nico rolled his eyes. "No shit, Sherlock. This is a wand store." Will said in a monotone voice. "Language!" Nico scolded and slapped Wills arm. Percy looked at them in surprise, until he remembered that Nico was raised in a different time and place, where the people were more conservative. "Really?" Will scoffed jokingly at Nico, who immediately got flustered. "Well hello there." A voice called. Percy turned his head towards the voice and there stood an old man, smiling at them from another door in the building. "I'm Mr. Ollivander. Aren't you all a little too old to be getting your first wands?" He asked them. 

"Err, yes. But they only recently discovered the wizarding world." Mr. Weasley explained for them. "Very well." The old man said. "Why don't we start with you young lady?" Thalia stepped closer to the man and nodded. "The name's Thalia." She informed a bit annoyed to have to be first. Ollivander pulled out a box from one of the shelves, read what it said on the box, and opened it. "Here, why don't you try this wand." Thalia picked the wand up confidently and shifted it from her left hand to her right. "Try to swing the wand, see if it fits you." Ollivander informed her. Thalia did as she was told and immediately created a light spark, and she looked as tho she felt the magic. "Ahh. Perfect!" Ollivander exclaimed. "Pine wood, dragon heartstring, 11 inches and fairly flexible." 

Percy couldn't help but snicker, and it seemed as tho Will and Nico couldn't help themselves either. Thalia's once proud face turned red as she glared at Percy, who burst into a fit of laughter. "S-sorry, Pinecone Face." He apologized through laughter. Thalia, deciding that the apology wasn't sincere  enough, walked over to him and "lightly" punched him in the stomach. "Whoa!" Mr. Weasley yelled, as Will and Nico just said there and slightly chuckled in amusement. "Why don't you go next?" Ollivander asked Nico, as Percy stood in agony besides Mr. Weasley as he chided Thalia for her actions. Nico nodded and in a few seconds, Ollivander was in the other side of the room, looking over the boxes. 

He then turned back to Nico, holding an open box in his hand and pulled out the wand. "Ebony wood, dragon heartstring, 8 and a half inches, not very flexible." Ollivander said. "Here, why don't you give it a try?" Nico went and picked up the wand, did exactly as Thalia did, but instead of there being a bright light coming out of the wand, all the wands from one of the walls fell crumbling down instead. Startled by the magic, Nico immediately gave the wand back and stepped backwards, where he bumped into Will. "Sorry." Nico whispered to Will, and then apologizing to Ollivander too. "No need to worry, young man, this happens whenever a wand is presented to a wizard that isn't for them."

"You ok?" Percy asked the small boy. Nico shook his head. "No, no. I'm fine." Wills hand wrapped itself around Nicos left hand, holding it tightly. "Sure you sure, death boy?" Nico rolled his eyes but held Wills hand tighter. "I'm fine, doc. Just got startled." Ollivander handed Nico a different wand, which Nico picked up immediately. "Holly wood, unicorn hair, 9 inches, fairly flexible." The man explained. "Try this one." And so he did. And just like Thalia, his wand created a beautiful light from the tip of the wand. Nico couldn't help but grin ear to ear and his cheek was immediately attacked by Wills kisses. "Will stop!" Nico giggled and pushed him away, while Mr. Weasley and Percy smiled fondly at the couple and Thalia grimaced. 

"Ok guys, move over, it's my turn!" Percy declared excitedly. The couple went to the furthest back of the store whispering to each other while Percy made his way to Ollivander, who was looking over at the wands. "Sooo... where are we meeting up with the others again?" Percy asked Mr. Weasley. "We'll meet them at Flourish and Blotts to get you all your books. And then we'll go back to Madam Malkins to go get your robes." Mr. Weasley said with a smile. Nico groaned at the mention of Madam Malkins and Thalia let out a low groan. "Ah! Here it is!" Ollivander exclaimed. "Dogwood, veela hair, 12 inches, uncommonly flexible." He handed the wand to Percy, who happily took it and it seemed as though it was the right fit. "It seems like we're done!" Ollivander exclaimed. "You will do great things, young man. Considering that Dogwood are known to be mischievous." Percy gave the old man his famous grin like smile and they all went and paid for their wands.

"Finally!" Thalia yelled excitedly as they walked out of the shop. "We're almost finished shopping!" Percy grinned as he played around with his new wand, to see if it really was uncommonly flexible. "Percy, stop doing that or you'll need a new wand." Will scolded. "Trust me, it's a pain to have broken your wand right after buying it and having to get another wand." Percy put the wand back into its box. "So Will, have you bought all of your books for this year?" Percy asked as they got closer to their destination." Will nodded. "Yeah, my mom went and bought them with her girlfriend and her daughter while I was at camp." Thalia whistled. "Damn, Solace. Your mom has a girlfriend?" She asked. Will gave a huge smile. "Yep! Both my mom and dad are bisexual." Percy thought back to the time when he saw Apollo flirting with one of his teacher disguised as a young assistant. "That explains a lot." Percy muttered.

"Do we get to chose who we share a room with?" Nico asked Mr. Weasley, who seemed to be listening to the kids with an amused face. "No, not really." Mr. Weasley answered. "After you get sorted into a house, you'll share a room with four or five other boys from your year and house." Nico let out a groan and Will gave his hand a squeeze. "It's gonna be ok, Neeks. Maybe you'll be lucky and share a room with someone you already know?" Will said, trying to cheer his boyfriend. "Who do we know that goes there?" Thalia asked. "Well, there's Neville, Luna, Draco, Cho, or Christina as we at camp know her, Lou Ellen-" "Wait!" Thalia interrupted Will. "Christina goes by Cho?" Will nodded. "Yeah, she's kinda forced to since her parents won't let her change her names and the teachers at Hogwarts are forced to respect her parents whishes." Percy faced turned into one of disgust. "But what about her feelings? I mean, she probably gets made fun of for her name, doesn't she?" Percy asked. "Yeah, it's kind of messed up here." Will said shrugging. "There's also the fact that purebloods hold the most power here in Britain." Mr. Weasley added. "Purebloods are very, how shall we say, proud of their names and don't like it when their children try to rebel against them." 

Nico looked at Mr. Weasley. "Really?" Mr. Weasley nodded. "The biggest reason for this is to prevent transgender children from being able to go by their chosen name, since purebloods don't believe in being transgender." He informed, looking quiet dissapointed. "There are some families like us, the Weasleys, who have been trying to fight against this, but there haven't been much progress." Percy looked at Mr. Weasley, then turned towards the shop that they now stood in front of. "Well, today is about shopping for school. One day, it'll be to get justice for the transgender students and Christina for being stuck with a stupid name!" Percy announced as they walked in. They immediately saw Harry, Ron, Hermione and the rest of the group. "Lay off Hermione! He's not that bad!" Harry yelled at Hermione, who seemed to be very agitated. "Is there something wrong?" Thalia asked, already suspicious of Hermione. Hermione shut her mouth instantly and shook her head. "It's nothing." Harry answered, lowering his head. "Are you sure?" Percy asked curiously. Before Harry could answered there was someone else coming into the shop. "Hey Percy, Nico, Thalia, Will!" They greeted. They all turned around and there stood Draco Malfoy, with the most stylish robes in Britain and his parents behind him. "What did I miss?"

Thank you for reading and have a nice exam season! -Author.

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