Sipping tea and calling names

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"Malfoy!" Harry hissed as the blond boy walked towards Percy. Draco sneered right back at him. "Potter!" "Jackson!" Percy contributed ginning at the younger boys antics. Draco and Harry stared at him blankly before Draco broke into a fit of laughter. "Merlin, Percy! You really had to take away my rom-com rival moment, huh?" He teased when he stopped laughing. Thalia grinned and gave Percy a light punch. "Yeah, Jackson, you scene stealer." She teased as well. "Ahem!" A man cough and Draco went from the carefree Athena kid to some snobbish rich kid in a second. "Right." He muttered. "Father, mother, this is my friend, Percy, the one I've been telling you about. And his cousins, Thalia and Nico di Angelo." Draco introduced his friends while ignoring the boy who lived. "Percy, Nico and Thalia, these are my parents. Lord Lucius Malfoy and lady Narcissa Malfoy." Percy looked at the couple Draco indicated to and gave them a polite smile, but the long haired blond man seemed to be silently judging Nico as he was staring at him. The woman on the other hand, gave him a big smile and took his hands in her own. "We've heard a lot about you, young man." She told him in a formal yet affectionate way. "Thank you for helping him from time to time and training with him." Percy returned a genuine smile. "It was my pleasure, lady Malfoy." Narcissa shook her head. "Please, you and your cousins may call me Narcissa." She told him as she let go of his hands. "Of course, Narcissa." Thalia said politely.

Lucius turned his gaze towards Percy and gave him a look of appreciation as well. "And the three of you may call me Lucius." Percy glanced towards Harry, who had moved back towards Ron and Ginny staring at them with an open mouth. "Nico, was it?" Lucius greeted Nico who held Wills hand. Nico nodded as he looked at the man with a blank look. "Is your last name di Angelo?" Nico nodded. "How very strange..." Lucius muttered quietly. "I thought all the di Angelo family kids had graduated Hogwarts." Nico shrugged. "Honestly, I didn't know I was a wizard until recently." He admitted. Lucius' eyes became judgemental, and Percy felt a hint of protectiveness in him, which he saw Will had as well. "Truly?" Narcissa asked. "Yeah. My mother died when I was young and I was in an orphanage for a while before my father found me." Nico explained, which made Hermione's interest peek. "Oh." Lucius said, his judgement fading away.

"Why don't the two of you go to Madam Malkins and retrieve my new uniform while I catch up with my friends, father?" Draco asked, desperate to make his parents go away. Lucius nodded. "Very well. Why don't the three of you come by the manor sometime next summer?" He asked the three of them. "It would be an honor, Lucius." Thalia said. The Malfoy couple walked out of the store and as soon as they were out of sight, Draco let out a huge sigh. "Thank the Gods they're gone." Thalia scoffed. "Yeah, why do they act like they got a stick up their ass?" "You tell me." Draco said tiredly. "But enough of that! So, what do y'all think about the wizarding world?" Percy perked up at the question. "It's great! I got a baby snake!" He told the blond boy excitedly. "You got a WHAT?!" Harry yelled as he walked towards them with Ron, Hermione and Ginny not too far behind. "Yeah, apparently she's a baby Burmese python. And I named her Agape!" Percy grinned proudly of his purchase. Ron and Harry exchanged glances. "Do you happen to be able to talk to snakes too?" Ron asked skeptical of Percy. "Yeah! Can you?" Percy asked curiously looking at the ginger. "No, but Harry can." Ginny answered grimly as if she remembered an unpleasant memory.

"Oh, that's cool." Percy said smiling at Harry, and Harry smiled back uncomfortably. "Why did you name her Agape?" Hermione asked suspicious of his choice of name. "Well..." Percy said, rethinking of why he named the snake what he did. "I don't know. I was thinking of my resent conversation with Annabeth and she ranted about how she and Piper were discussing baby names and how the name Agape was a stupid name for a kid." Hermione's eyes narrowed. "Really?" She asked sounding unimpressed which made Percy flustered. "You get a snake that is one of the biggest snake types in the world and that I assume is magical, and you name the snake the name your girlfriend doesn't like?" Percy looked away even more flustered and irritated. "I just thought it was a cute name, Hermione." Percy answered, which made Hermione even more suspicious of him somehow. "Well, it is kind of cute." Harry agreed, which surprised his friends. "Why don't you guys pick and buy your books so that we can go over to 'Rosa Lee teabag'?" Draco asked the group as he helped Percy carrying some of his books. "Sure, why not." Thalia said as she looked through the books. "Then we can talk about what's going on at camp and.." She paused, looking at the golden trio and Ginny. "..our families."

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