Camp Half- blood?

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Draco looked around as he stepped out of the camp borders. "Why of all people did we volunteer for this again?" He asked groaning. Neville, his brown haired friend, patted his shoulder as he grinned at the blond boy. "Because Drakon, you care about us." Luna, his blond friend, grinned along as she walked beside him. "Do I hear wedding belles ringing?" She teased. Draco and Neville looked at each other, before bursting into laughter. "Bloody hell, Luna!" Draco laughed. "Why aren't you like this at Hogwarts!" Luna smiled wide as they walked down the hill where Thalia once laid. 

"I wonder who the visitors are." Neville wondered. "And why would a bunch of mortals come to camp." Luna hummed in agreement. "And most importantly, why do we have to pretend to be mortals ourselves? And did they really have to come the same time as the Hunters of Artemis?" Draco asked annoyed. "This is Camp Half- Blood for Zeus sake!" Neville chuckled and nodded. "I think they're wizards. I mean, why else would they be allowed to come to camp, right?" 

As they talked a bit more, suddenly a flash came in front of them, and there stood an elderly man, two younger adults and behind them, three teenagers. "Professor Dumbledore!" Luna exclaimed. Draco gasped as the older man stepped forward, with a smile on his face. "Hello Draco, Luna and Neville." Draco stumbled backwards in surprise as the teens behind the man came forward. "Potter. Weasley. Granger. What are you doing here?!" Neville stepped forward, holding Draco's shoulder. "H-hey Professor L-lupin." Neville stumbled. "I-it's good to s-see you again." Professor Lupin smiled and greeted his former student. "It's good to see you too mister Longbottom."

"Ok. It's a really sweet reunion and all but.." Draco interrupted. "But why in Hades name are you all here?!" Ron growled as Hermione glared at the blond. "Well," Harry sneered. "Why are you here? And what are you wearing?" Draco huffed and made eye- contact with Luna, who just shrugged. "Well Potter, I go to Camp Half- Blood here myself! Just like Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom here!" Draco exclaimed. "And this," He pointed at his bright orange shirt. "Is the Camp shirt everybody wears. I thought you were smarter than that, Potter." Hermione stepped up, still glaring at Draco. "Well, Malfoy. Why are you in a camp full of the muggles you claim to hate?" Hermione scepticaly asked.

"Hey," Sirius interrupted. "Let's not fight here like this, ok?" Harry and Draco glared at each other, before they reluctantly agreed. "Is everybody ready?" Luna asked. "Let's go to camp!"


As they stepped on the camp ground, the first thing Harry noticed was that the kids were standing in front of different cabins and were waiting for them. One group of kids were holding weapons, like spears and swords. The leader of the group, who Harry assumed, walked with them as they followed Draco, Neville and Luna. He noticed that every groups leader did this, but all the leader were different. One of them was a beautiful girl, with choppy brown hair and color changing eyes, that came from a group of children with beauty like royalties. While another was a short latino boy, with a huge grin that reminded Harry of Fred and George. But one group of girls stood out to them. Not only were they all girls, but they had a different uniform. They all wore blue, with bows and arrows, and the leader didn't look more than 15. He looked around and realized, he recognized some of them. 

"Lou Ellen Blackstone! Will Solace! Cho Chang!" Hermione cried in surprise. Harrys turned around to see Cho Chang, with the group of that all looked like royalties. Cho Chang was looking at him, but she wasn't smiling. She was holding a dagger, as if she were about to murder someone while looking like a princesses. Harry quickly turned back to Neville, who led them to a big house. They all stopped in front of the house, where an older man in wheelchair stood with three teens. A girl with curly red hair and green yees, who looked like she could be a Weasley, a honey blond girl, with serious grey eyes, and a black haired boy, with sea- green eyes. 

"Welcome to Camp Half- Blood. A camp for children with ADHD and dyslexia, based of Greek mythology." The man introduced. The teens who followed them, went up to Chiron, and stood beside him. "I am Chiron Brunner, the camp activity director. These are the Cabin Counselors, Butch, Clarisse La Rue, Clovis, Pollux, Katie Gardner & Miranda Gardiner, Jason Grace, Holly & Laurel Victor, Piper McLean, Lou Ellen Blackstone, Will Solace, Nico di Angelo and Conner & Travis Stoll." One by one, the teens waved when their names were called. 

Chiron then looked at the three teens that stood there with him since the beginning. "And this is Rachel Elizabeth Dare, our camp arts and craft leader. " The girl smiled. "Over there is Annabeth Chase, Counselor of Cabin 6." The girl stepped closer to the boy while staring at Hermione, which made Harry look over at Hermione, who looked to be extremely embarrassed. Harry could not blame his friend. The boy in particular looked very handsome. With muscular body, messy hair, a tanned skin and handsome face, no girl would be able to resist him. "Last but no way near least," Chiron said pointing over at the boy. "Percy Jackson. Head Counselor of Cabin 3."

Hermione and Ron gasped and exchanged a look, while Harry stood still. He felt like he had been punched in the face by his cousin, Dudley. This boy looked nothing like Voldemort! In fact, he looked very much like Harry. He glanced over at Sirius and Remus, who looked as shocked as he was, and Dumbledore, who was just smiling. "Welcome back to camp, Albus. We all missed you dearly." Chiron welcomed. Surprisingly, Dumbledore stepped up, and chuckled. "It's good to be back, Chiron." Sirius stared at Dumbledore in disbelief, 'Guess he didn't know about this either.' Harry thought. 

"Thank you, Chiron." Dumbledore replied. "Who are the people you brought with you?" Annabeth questioned. She then glared at Sirius, with he dagger pointed at his direction. "And why is there a mass murderer with you"Dumbledore and Harry made eye- contact, before he turned to her with a smile. "These men here, are my former students. Remus John Lupin, who was a former teacher at my school. Sirius Orion Black, a falsely accused prisoner who broke out of prison." Remus and Sirius gave a small "Hello."

"And the young teens are students at my school. Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter. The golden trio."

Hope you liked it- Author.

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