Goodnight sleep?

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Hermione looked around the camp as she waited for her friends to come back. It was early morning and time to go back to England. She didn't know how to feel about Perseus. On one hand, he had been nothing but cool and kind to them, and he was very easy to befriend. He was also very handsome and attractive, but so was You-Know-Who. There were just so many puzzles not fitting in. Like how he went missing for nine months, but is able to get a free ride to collage. And how his parents are wizards but not knowing about it himself. He also seemed to be good friends with Draco Malfoy and knows his surrogate mother, but not know Narcissa Malfoy.

The tour last night was, to say the least, interesting. Apparently, the kids were sorted into different cabins based of their parents and talents. So that meant that some cabins, like cabin 11, have many campers, while cabins like cabin 3, only have one. All of Perseus friends were all interesting to. Travis and Conner Stoll seemed like the camps version of the Weasley twins. They had already pranked them more than five times since they got there, and they seemed to be well liked. And Piper, Lacy, Cho and Valentina from cabins 10 were nice roommates, and they told her a lot of stories of how Perseus was a hero to the Camp, like how he used his sword fighting to save Lacy from terrorist a few months ago. But there was one girl, Drew Tanaka, who seemed to hate her  presence.  But Hermione couldn't blame her, the girls in the cabin were all beautiful.

After a while, Remus and Sirius showed up with Professor Dumbledore behind them talking to Mr. Brunner in a different language. Harry and Ron arrived shortly after, looking as if they just witnessed a murder while rooming with Nico di Angelo, Perseus' cousin. "How was your roommate?" Hermione asked. "Bloody hell, Hermione! That bloke is creepy as hell!" Ron complained. "If I didn't know better, I would have thought he was a bloody Death Eater if I didn't know better." Harry sighed as he rolled his eyes. "Oh come on Ron. He wasn't that bad." Harry said. "Aside from Hufflepuff Will Solace sneaking into our cabin in the middle of the night, and find them snogging in the bathroom at 2 am, it wasn't really that bad." 

"They were what!?" Ron yelped in surprise. Hermione rolled her eyes as she looked behind them to see Will and Nico sitting on a bench, talking and laughing. As Hermione turned the other way, her eyes went straight to Perseus and Annabeth, holding hands while carrying Perseus' bags. For some reason, she couldn't help but feel as if they were hiding something from her. Everything at camp seemed off. Perseus gave a hug to all of his friends, including Piper and they joke around for a while before Perseus and Annabeth make their way over to them.

As they waited for professor Dumbledore, Sirius and Remus came around, The golden trio, the cousins (Nico, Thalia and Perseus), Annabeth and the adult wizards gather around. It was an awkward silent as first, but it was broken by Perseus as he started a conversation. 

"So, how did you all sleep?" He asked. Hermione looked over to Thalia, who answered: "Would've been better if the Stolls didn't try to brake into our cabin to try to prank us, kelphead." Nico snickered quietly, but not enough for no one to notice. "Shut up, Death-boy! I bet you and Will were up all night watching that ice skating anime show!" Nico's face became all kind of red while looking away as Perseus Annabeth and Thalia laughed loudly. Hermione couldn't help but smile at the scene and Ron and Harry were chuckling too. 

Soon after that, Percy and Annabeth said their final goodbye and all of them walked out of camp borders with Draco and Luna behind them. "We'll hopefully see you at Diagon alley." Draco said.  Perseus nodded and waved as Draco and Luna walked back to camp.  He then turned to Hermione with a confused smile. "Can I ask you something?" Hermione studied his face, but she didn't see any reason to be suspicious, so she nod a yes. "How the hades are we going to England?"

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