Confusion in the house

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Thalia felt sick to the stomach. She held one arm over her mouth and held Nico's shoulder with the other as all the teenagers slowly became dizzy. This "Portkey" Transportation was going to be the death of her. But once she felt better she looked up to see what once was a building without number 12 suddenly had number 12. Thalia turned to his cousins, Nico looking like a dead corps and Percy looking like the fish out of water that he is. Her attention turned to the older emo man, Sirius, who she noticed was staring at Percy. She couldn't make out what he could be thinking. But she did see that there were a mix between sadness and fury in his eyes.

She grabbed her two bags and dragged herself over to Sirius, who turned to look at her. "What are you thinking, Sirius?" She asked suspicious. Sirius looked her in the eyes, no emotions to be seen and turned to look at Percy. "I don't know. What are you thinking about?" He asked back. Thalia's eyes narrowed and a pout appeared on her face. "I'm thinking you have something against my cousin." Sirius laughed a bitter laugh. "Why would I have something against my friends son?" Thalia gave him one last glare and went inn to the house with the others, dragging her bags with her.


As they got inside the house, they quickly realized that the house was some what enchanted and very, very old. Percy looked around his surroundings, and quickly realized that this house wasn't touched until recently. The house was nothing like what he imagined. Shouldn't it have objects flying around the house since the area is full of magic? And shouldn't there be more magical lights and little fairies helping around with the house chores? Percy thought about how practical it would be to have all that.

"Welcome back everyone!" A voice greeted, interrupting Percy's thoughts. He turned around to see a middle aged woman with red hair and a warm smile. "Oh, you must be Percy! I've heard a great deal about you from Mad-eye Moody. Welcome, dear." She then turned to his two cousins. Thalia, who had her arms crossed and Nico, who was distracted by all the things surrounding them. "And who might you be?" She asked sweetly. Percy turned to their direction and gave the woman a smile. "They're my cousins, Thalia and Nico, from my dads side of the family." He explained. "Ah. Good to know. I'm Molly Weasley, by the way. I'm Ron's mother. " She said.

Thalia and Nico stepped beside Percy, bags in their hands, As Molly walked up to them and gave them a hug. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Weasley. I hope you don't find that Thalia and I are staying here until we get to Hogwarts." Nico said. Molly smiled at Nico, as if he was just the sweetest boy ever. "Just call me Molly, dear. And of course not, dear. The more the merrier!" Then her face turned into confusion. "I didn't know you were wizards too." 

Harry and Ron looked at each other, and Percy looked over to Dumbledore, hoping he would step in and explain why he needed company. And Dumbledore did. "Well, they're wizards too. But since they lived they're life not knowing they're wizards until a few weeks ago, they've just been living as muggles. Isn't that right, Nico? Thalia?" He asked. Both of Percy's cousins nodded, supporting his lie. "Well now, you all must be tired. I'll show you your rooms so you can unpack your suitcases." Molly then turned to the three cousins. "Is it ok if you three share a room?" Nico and Thalia looked at each other and smirked before answering. "Of course it is. Wouldn't want to be separated from Kelphead over here!" Thalia exclaimed loudly before ruffling Percy's hair. 

Percy groaned softly before shaking his head and fallowing Molly's lead to their bedroom. As he walked up the stairs, he noticed a furious woman in a portrait staring daggers at the wizards, but smiling at him, as if she knew him. He paused for a bit, getting stares from the other wizards, especially Hermione. "Hello Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon." She greeted in ancient greek. "And Thalia, daughter of Zues and Nico di Angelo, son of Hades." They all looked at each other, paled and quickly walked up the stairs. "How the bloody hell did you do that?" Ron exclaimed when they got far enough away from the portrait. "Yeah, Mrs. Black always yells at us whenever someone passes the portrait." Sirius said seriously. 

"I-I don't know." Percy confessed honestly. "She spoke to us in our first language." Percy knew he had to be honest at some point. It was obvious that not all of them fully trusted them. "Excuse me, but can we get some privacy?" Nico asked the wizards. "We would like to change our clothes and we don't need a heard with people watching us. You too Thalia." The wizards left the room one by one, last one being Harry, who looked puzzled by what just happened. Thalia grabbed some of her cloths and went by as Nico shut the door and unpacked his stuff. Percy slowly unpacked as well and put on a different blue shirt. 

Percy pulled out his "monster prof" iPod and headphones and played some music while sitting on one of the beds that he claimed. Percy closed his eyes for a while, while Nico changed into some "darker" clothes as he listened to his music. As the song was over, "Hold each other" a song Annabeth put in for him played. He automatically thought of his relationship with Annabeth and a smile came upon his face.

"Something happens when I hold her
She keeps my heart from getting older
When the days get short and the nights get a little bit colder
We hold each other
We hold each other
We hold each other, mmm"

Percy couldn't help but smile as the music played as he slowly got up from the bed, out of the room. Percy looked around his new surrounding, before he found a room full of books and some sofas and settled down on one of them.

"Yo, if I'm stressing you that blessing that's sent from heaven
These days start to feel like hours and hours feel more like seconds
People judged us they couldn't see the connection
When I look at you, it's like I'm looking back at my reflection."

He immediately thought of Nico, the young boy have had a rough life. Percy still remembered the day Nico confessed that he had a crush on him. He never thought that Nico could have actually liked him and he felt bad. Not only did he have no one there for him, but he was from an era of time where there were little tolerance for people like Nico.

"I don't see nothing different, our pigments they coincide
We hold each other so tight they couldn't break us if they tried
My eyes are are those of the blind, I see no color or size
I feel the love in your touch and I trust what's inside your mind, okay"

Even though he failed to help Nico and be there for him, Percy was still glad Nico trusted him enough with that information. He was also happy that Nico considered Percy as family and fallowed him whenever he needed company. 

Percy's thoughts were broken as he realized someone was standing in front of him. He lifted his head up to see Sirius Black. "Why don't we have a little chat, huh?"

Thanks for reading. -Author.

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