Ch. 2: Flashbacks

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Thomas/Stiles PoV:

I wake up and immediately recall the nightmare I had. I look at the clock and see that it is 5:30 AM. then...


I turn the Alarm clock off, and grab the photo next to it.

"Morning Newtie." I say with a smile. I kiss 2 of my fingers and put them on his cheek.  "I miss you so much. I know you want me to keep strong...but I don't know how much longer I can go. I love you." I stay quiet for a little then put the picture back and go to take a shower.

I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on. I look in the mirror and smile at the same picture I was talking too. I take my shirt off and see all the scars. Even tho it was a simulation, whatever happened in there happened out here. I look to above my heart. Now an 'N' sat above my heart. Part of it was only a scar and part was a tattoo. I got it before I left the FBI back to my dad. I told them it had to happen, I did tell the person that it was for my boyfriend that died in my arms in the simulation. He was very happy to do it. He told me about his Husband and everything. Man he was the best FBI agent I could have gotten after that.

After my shower I put on my underwear and pants and walk back into my room. I look at the weather and see that it was going to be a warm day. I then heard a knock on my door.

Dad opens the door.

"Hey Champ! You exci-...Since when did you get another Tattoo?" Dad asks me with a smile. And I am so thankful he didn't bring up my nightmare.

"Morning Pops. I um, I got It Thursday." I told him. And Today is Monday. I hold out my left arm so he can see it better.

"Wow. What made you decide to go with that font? It is cursive and everything! you don't do cursive." My dad says making me look at it and glide my thumb over it.

"I-It's um, It's Newt's handwriting." I tell him as I keep looking at it.

"It looks very nice Sti." My dad says with a smile putting a hand on my shoulder. "Meet me downstairs in about 15 before we leave."

"Will do Pops!" I told him in a tone that was mixed of sadness and happiness. Dad smiles and walks out. I get up putting on a tank top then my shirt. I do a little desk work and if my dad lets me I go out in the field. After I am done getting dressed I sit down and put my socks and shoes on. I sit back up and my right hand fingers go to my left ring finger. Even after 4 years it is so weird not always wearing the ring. I go to the box and pull out the rings. I put mine on and smile at it. I just need Newt with me today for some reason. I go find a simple chain necklace that is skinny and long, like one you find on dog tags from veterans. I slide both rings on the chain and put it around my neck. I then put it under my shirt and smiled. It really just feels like he is here with me a bit. I have done this before on days like this. Usually the days I have had a nightmare.

I remember I forgot to brush my teeth so I went to do that. Grab my phone and I am going down the stairs. I see dad sitting eating an apple and he looks up to me, him already in uniform.

"Are you ready for the questions?" He asks me pointing to my tattoo.

I sigh, "I will never be ready, Dad. But at least I pretend it is him with me." I say as my hand subconsciously goes up to my necklace. "Plus the only reason I am wearing short sleeves is cuz it is going to be ridiculously hot out today." I tell him with a laugh.

"Alright let's go! you get to drive me today since I left my car there last night since we went out for dinner." Dad tells me. I laugh and we head off towards Roscoe.

Once we get to the station we get out and we enter. I go straight to my desk which is right next to Parrish's desk.

"Hey Stiles!" Parrish says way to happy for my liking. I just lift my arm and wave as I sit down.

"What is on your arm?" He asks.

"A tattoo, dipshit." I whisper the last part. I just felt really off for some reason.

"Wow, Stiles getting a tattoo! Can I see it?" Parrish nags me. I roll my eyes and roll my chair over to him. His eyes go wide when he sees it is a name.

"Newt?" Parrish questions me.

"Yea, Newt. He u-uh was really close to me before he died." I tell him with a frown rolling back over to my desk.

"Oh I am so sorry about your loss!" Parrish says. And I can tell he really is sorry.

"It is okay, really. Been 4 years man." I tell him not even looking in his direction as I log onto my computer. I could just feel his eyes staring at me. I sigh. "Yes Parrish I have friends outside of Scott's group. Now ple-"

I was cut off when I saw Ratman walking the Station. "Janson" I whisper. I follow him with my eyes. He looks at me and snaps his fingers.

I look around and see that I am back working with Wicked alongside Teresa, she was like my sister. I am then in the Maze with a Griver right in-front of me. I started to run back to the Glade, but i ended up in the lobby where 'Gally' killed Chuck. I could feel myself shaking. Then I started to hear a ringing until-

"-iles! Stiles! Son are you there?" My dad was in front of me. Yet it wasn't registering. It felt like I couldn't breath. Panic Attack. I get up wobbly and walk away. I keep hearing my name being called but I couldn't anymore. It has been 2 years since I had a flashback.

What is happening!

I go to the back of the station and dit on a bench they have out there. I bring my knees up to my chest and my hands hold onto the rings.

"Tommy, Love, You gotta breathe. Breath babe. Yeah that is it! Tommy it will be okay. I love you and all you have to do is breath."

I heard Newt's voice in my head. It was from when I had a panic attack when he told me he had the Flare. Only difference is that he kissed me lightly afterwards.  My breathing was now steady and my legs were back on the ground and my head against the bricks. My hand still clutched onto the rings not daring to move.

I then heard a voice.

"Stiles, you okay?" My dad asks me.

"Yea, just you know, Flash back to what happened for some reason. hasn't happened in 2 years so do not ask how it happened." I tell my dad, my hand now staying over the rings so he doesn't see them.

"You good to work the rest of the day? Cuz I do know you have lunch with Scott at 1." Dad tells me as he sits next to me. But not super close. I can't have people touch me during my flashbacks or panic attacks. They make it worse, except when it was Newt. He knew how to calm me down. And his soft kiss to my lips and forehead after it made all the pain go away.

"I should be fine dad. It's just been a rough 2 days so far. But I am good to work. Do not worry." I tell him. I don't look at him but I stutter before I ask: "C-Can I just have a minute or 2 alone?" A tear rolled down my face uncontrollably.

"Of course. Come back in when you are ready. You can work in my office today." My dad says. And I just know he has a smile on his face. I then feel a light touch of his finger wiping away my tears. And then he leaves. The touch was so light it didn't bother me. made me smile as I was reminded of how Newt would clear the tears off my face after attacks. He would either kiss them away or wipe them so gently off.

"Thanks Newt." I say with a smile closing my eyes seeing him as he says:

"Your welcome Tommy"

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