Ch. 10: Morning Pills

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Thomas/Stiles' POV

It has been a couple of days after Melissa gave me the pills. I don't really remember them since they are new so Sonya always makes sure I have my pills in the morning.

I still remember the second day I had them:


I wake up in a sweat and look up at the celling. Sonya comes in with a bottle of water and small cup of pills.

"Morning Tom, I know you don't want to take the new pills but they will help. Even got your Adoral  in here." Sonya says sitting on the end of my bed handing me the water and pills.

I take them all and just look at her defeated. "Waffles?" I asked.

"Already made. Come let's go eat, even got your tea made." She said with a smile. I nod. I get out of bed and subconsciously grab Newt's Jacket since I am cold.

Flashback over:

I walk down stairs after my shower and get some tea ready to take to work.

"Morning" I hear Sonya mumble. I look over and see that Malia is following closely behind her. I see they both have each other's shirts on.

"Coffee or Tea?" I ask the two.

"Coffee you weirdo." Malia says as she gets two mugs and makes the coffee for her and Sonya.

We all fill into the living room and sit.

"So Malia, when did you get here last night?" I ask taking a sip of tea.

"About one in the morning. There was a pack thing. It was awful. You didn't miss anything" Malia says as she cuddles closer to Sonya. Sonya kisses the top of her head and it was like a match made in heaven.

"Official yet or no?" I ask them.

"Not yet, pack would think it is weird. Also since half of them think the two of you are fucking." Malia says bluntly.

I sigh. "Thought so." I look at the time and see I had to go. " okay well I got to go to work. See you later!" I say walking to the kitchen to put my mug in the sink.

"Did you take your meds!?" Sonya softly yells.

"Yep! Not lying this time too!" I say and realize no one in the pack know I am taking new meds.

"I will explain the basics to Sonya, you go. Have a good day." I hear from Sonya. I tell her thanks and leave.

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