Chapter 14: Never again

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Thomas' POV:

I fell asleep at the hospital. My head in Newt's lap. I haven't left this room since I have gotten in it. I think it has been 4 days or something like that. I lost count.

"Tom, I have some one you should see." Sonya says coming into the room.

Then I hear people:

"Why hasn't he left?" Issac.

"Again with the Tom name?" Liam.

"Kevin?" Kira's voice.

"T-Thomas?" I hear him. I turn my head. I slowly stand up. I walk over to him. I slap him as hard as I can in the face. 

"Minho! Where the fuck have you been?" I yell at him as I bring him into a hug. I start to cry...

"Tom, I will be okay." Minho says hugging he harder. "How about we go back to Newt?" He asks. I nod my head and I go sit in my chair as Minho stands behind me. Sonya stands on the other side of the bed. I hold Newt's hand and put my head in his lap. "Please wake up" I whisper so softly I don't even think the pack heard it as the watch us. I hear some gasps but I don't listen to them. I then feel a hand rubbing my head, just like he always did when I was sad or couldn't sleep.

"Let me see you Tommy." I hear Newt's voice. I turn my head towards Newt's face, he could see the tears in my eyes. 

"I-I-Newt?" I say in disbelief.

"Tommy" Newt says with his cute smile. I smile so wide. Newt pulls me up into a kiss. I immediately kiss back thinking this is all a dream. We break apart and smile at each other. I get more in the bed so I can hold Newt.

"Never leave me again." I tell him as he cuddle into each other more and more. Holding on for dear life.


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