Ch. 3: Lunch with Scott

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Thomas/Stiles PoV:

I am sitting in my dad's office with my laptop as I work on a report from yesterday. I was starting to get really hungry. I look at the time and it is 12:52 PM.

Bring Bring Bring

I look at my phone and I see that it is Sonya. I answer it with a smile and my dad looks at me funny.

"Hey Sonya!" I say with a smile as I continue working.

"Hiya Tom!" Sonya said but I could hear the sobs she tried to hide.

"Sonya? You okay?" I ask worried. I put my laptop down and lean on my knees as we talk.

"I-I don't know! I just got a flashback from-from when N-Newt and I were kids. And Everything started coming back to me. And you are the first person I thought about calling. Cuz I know that you love Newt. And I wanted to say I love the tattoo you got. It looks really nice." Sonya rambled to me and it made me smile.

"Thank you, and yea I get it. I swear I would ditch work to hang out with you so we can just...who knows my dad is giving me a death glare right now. Plus you are all the way out in London. What is it over there? Like midnight?" I ask her.

"Yea I think it is midnight. And we so would talk about everything and anything. And honestly my family over here sucks! And they kinda keep blaming me for Newt's Death. I just don't know how much longer I can take it!" Sonya said, starting to cry again.

"Well you know that you can call me anytime. I will always answer. Please keep that in mind." I tell her as Scott walks into the office and looks at me weird then back to my dad.

"I know. I know. Thanks Tom. Love you. Imma try and get some sleep." Sonya says.

"Okay, Love you too. Get some rest. Call if you need anything." I tell her with a smile

"Will do! Bye Tom" Sony says one last time.

"Bye Sonya" I say as the call ends. Scott is smirking at me.

"Who was that! You were saying love you and everything!" Scott says with a huge smirk.

"Her name is Sonya and she is practically a sister to me." I say moving my left arm to scratch my head.

"Ah, ah, sure. What's on your arm?" Scott asks me

"It's just a tattoo okay? Are we going to lunch? I am starving!" I say not wanting to get into my tattoo.

"Wait, you? A Tattoo?" Scott asks, stunned coming over grabbing my arm. "Newt?" He asks.

"Yea, Can we not get into it right now? Already had a panic attack today." I say getting up. "Cya Pops!" I say waving and he waves back.

"So where do you wanna go for lunch?" Scott asks me.

"The Diner should be good." I say as we get into Roscoe.

Once we get to the Diner we go in and grab a booth in the back in case we talk pack stuff. I mean I do not hate the pack. They just get on my nerves. Especially Scott sometimes. I just really hope he doesn't see my necklace today. I really do not think I am ready to tell Scott about Newt. I mean he doesn't even know I like Boys. And I don't even know if I am Bi or just Queer. Cuz I have realized that Lydia was never a crush, just someone I looked up to. And I have told her that I do not have any romantic feelings for her and never had and she is calling bull shit on that. And with Malia It just...Felt wrong. When Brenda and I first met and had to drink to get into a place we kissed. We of course told Newt. I literally thought Brenda was Newt! And Brenda felt more right than Lydia and Malia ever felt combined. I mean like yes Lydia and Malia are both very pretty, but just not my type.

And then when Newt and I kissed for the first time by the log during the party they threw me. Oh how I remember that was the moment I fell hard for him. He felt right in every way. He was so understanding with the whole Brenda situation. And Brenda also told us she had eyes for Teresa and Girls were more her type. But she is also pansexual. It didn't bother Newt much or at all. I mean like we were talking and making jokes about having a normal life together. Like getting married and having a cat. Oh how he always wanted a cat. It was cute. We had a made up world where we were happy. Then.... No No don't think about that.

"Stiles you okay? You have been spaced out for a while." Scott tells me.

"Huh? oh yea. Sorry. Just thinking." I tell him.

"Okay. So anyways I still think you living with your dad at the age of 21 is still super stupid. Like bro! You never got back into the dating pool after Malia. And it has been 4 years. When you disappeared for a year it broke her. And when you came back you kinda just broke it off with her. No reason! Just a 'We can't be together' the minute you came back! And the fact you are still living with your dad makes me think you just never want to date again. Like dude you find love mo-" I ended up cutting Scott off.

"Can you shut the fuck up!" I yell at him. I couldn't be with Malia cuz I couldn't love anyone after Newt. Scott stares at me. I never blow up on him.

"Sorry. sorry. sorry." Scott keeps repeating like a kicked puppy.

"Sorry I didn't mean to blow up. Just a lot has been happening right now. Plus, this isn't high school anymore Scott. It's not all about having a girlfriend or boyfriend." I told him not to realize what I said. I watch as Scott's eyes grow big.

"B-Boyfriend? You were serious about that in sophomore year?" Scott asks dumbfounded.

"I-I mean like have you seen men?" I say with a laugh.

"So what? your Bi?" Scott asks, confused.

"No, I just say I am Queer. Don't want to put a label on it. And wait didn't we come to get food and not talk about my relationship status?" I ask him and laugh.

"Okay you got a point there." Scott says flagging down a waitress. We order milkshakes, curly fries, and Scott goes with a burger where I go with a salad. We make small talk till the food comes. And we dig in.

"Seriously it's like every time I see you eating it is something healthy or just straight up curly fries. like dude how?" Scott asks me, baffled. I mean I get it. I used to only eat junk food.

"I work with my dad now. Gotta stay in shape." I say bluntly. Scott is still just staring at me. "What?" I ask him. I am starting to get really annoyed by his staring.

"So, Have-...have you kissed a boy?" Scott asks.

"You are still on that?" I ask him. It's kinda funny.

"Yes!" Scott says a little too loudly. "Like who knows?"

"Only a couple people know. And no you do not know them." I say with a smirk.

"Okay does it have something to do with your tattoo? Cuz last time I checked you hated needles. And that is your first tattoo and it is in a weird font man." Scott says, making me roll my eyes.

"Firstly, this is my second tattoo. Second, no I do not hate needles. And Thirdly, The writing is Newt's. He was close to me and died. I had a paper with him writing his name on it. So that is his writing. So please leave it alone." I tell him. But did I give off too much information.

"I-I am so sorry I asked. I had no idea!" Scott says sinking back into his seat.

"How could you? I never told you." I tell him and the rest of Lunch is awkward. I think I gave too much away.


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