Ch. 11: Alive?

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Thomas/Stiles' POV:

I walk into work and go to my desk to start my paperwork. I see my dad walk out to talk to me.

"Hey, so I know I haven't been home in the morning but you doin okay?" Pops asks me.

"Yep! Malia stayed the night with Sonya." I tell him. Sonya was like a daughter to him now.

"Are they?" He asks.

"Not yet. But they will be." I say with a smile. He laughs and taps my desk once telling me he was leaving.

We came up with taps incase I was deep in thought. 1 tap- I am here/leaving. 2 taps- listen closely. And 3 taps- stop working.

Parrish comes in and sits at his desk see I am hyper focused but still talks to me.

"Well I see that there is a new sight."

"Parrish shut up an le-" I was cut off by static on all of the TVs in the station. We all stop working and look at them.

It glitches on and I see...

"Tommy, bloody hell hope this is at the right sheriff's station"

I stand up so quickly my chair falls and everyone looks at me.

"N-Newt?" I whispered not believing my eyes.

"Tommy, I do not have a lot of time."

Newt has a gash on his cheek and a bunch of bruises. On his face and arms that we can see.

"WICKED is still alive. I am still alive! Babe, this is not a trick. I am at the place where the simulation pods were still. The knife had your blood on it and it cured me. Janson is still alive, not in jail. No bloody idea how that happened. Fuck, I don't have a lot of time. Okay, Tommy, baby, I have been trying to send you small messages and trigger flashbacks. No idea if it is working. I know you are in Beacon Hills. They have a tracker in the back of your left elbow. If you take it out and decode will find me."

Newt takes a pause as we hear bangs on the door.

"Tommy, I know Sonya is there in the Town. Tell her I love her, miss her a bunch. But not as much as you. Tommy I love you baby. Please find me!"

Newt finishes and the video pauses on his face. Since he said Sonya they were all looking at me. I look around and see the Parrish had a multi tool on his desk. I grab it and find a knife. I start taking my shirt off to be standing in a white Tank top. I lift up my left arm and cut behind my elbow. People start yelling at me to stop but I do not listen.

After the cut I put the knife down and fish the tracker device out of my arm. When people see that I am holding a small metal organic tracker chip they all gasp. I quickly grab a hand towel from my desk drawer and wrap it around the cut. I look at the chip and find that There is a place where I can hook it up to the computer. I frantically start to decode it.


I hear from someone.

"Stiles, Stop"

I ignore the voice.

"Stiles!" My Father yells pulling me away from the computer since I was standing.

"No! Dad! I need to save him!" I yell at him.

"Stiles, calm down and think this through." He says holding my wrists.

"No! I have to save him! Dad let me go!" I yell trying to get out of his hold.

"Stiles, who was that?" Parrish asks me.

"Newt! He is a-alive!" I yell still high on adrenaline.

"Stiles, you cut yourself and need medical attention. Now!" My father yells.

"NO! I need to save him! I am not letting him die again!" I yell breaking through and going back to the computer.

"I still do not understand why you care so much. He said 'Tommy' not 'Stiles'." Parrish tells me.

"He knew me as Thomas okay! Only Newt gets to call me Tommy." I sternly tell him.

"Oh and why is that?" Some shitty cop asks me.

"Because he is the love of my life that I was supposed to marry 4 years ago!" I yell and everyone goes quiet.

"Stiles, you are 21. 4 years ago you were 17!" My dad yells at me.

"No I am not! My brain is 28 years old! That is what happens when you go into a simulation with other people! I was 24 and he was 25 when we found the rings and thought of it! We never called each other fiancés in there. We were Husbands! But I know that doesn't float here! So I said to people, and so did Sonya, that he is my fiancé when that is far from the truth. Now Dad, let me save my fucking Husband before I kill myself for letting him die for a second time!" I yell at my dad and finish decoding the tracker.

"Bingo!" I scream. It was only 3 towns over where he is. So fucking close.

"Dad, I need men. At least 15 who are a really good kill shot and everything!" I tell him ad I walk off to the armory.

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