Ch. 9: Finding Help

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Thomas/Stiles' PoV:

Melissa wanted me to come in for a check up because of my Panic Attack yesterday at the pack hang out. I still can not believe that the second song was the one that Newt and I sang together all the freaking time.

I walk into the hospital and Melissa is at the front desk.

"Ah Stiles, you ready?" Melissa asks me.

"Sure." I say as I put my hands in my pockets following her to the room. I sit on the bed as Melissa has a clip bored and starts to ask me questions.

"So Stiles, Sonya and you seem really close. Can we talk about her first?"

"What do you want to know?" I ask

"She is like family to you right?"

"Yea, she is technically my sister."

"The sister of Newt right?"

"Y-yea. Newt's younger sister."

"Newt, as in your fiancée right?"

"h-h...How did you know that?" I ask confused about how she knew that.

"Sonya told me after the attack, before you hugged me. Do you remember that?"She asks me.

"I-kinda." I stutter. "'s a bit foggy."

"It is okay. Sonya says you suffer from PTSD, is that true?" Melissa asks.

"I...that's right. PTSD, Insomnia, ADHD, Anxiety, depression, a couple others I forget." I say playing with my hands.

"Can you tell me why non of us met Newt?" Melissa asks changing the topic.

"....he died..." I start

"I am so sor-" I cut her off by saying:

" my arms. H-he begged me to since he was infected."

"infected?" she asks.

"The Flare. It was all fake but it still killed him." I tell her.

"Did that happen when you were taken?"

"Yea, was a simulation, but if you died in there you died out here. If you got a scar in there, it appeared out here. But if we found something in the simulation and it had a deep meaning and connection to you it appeared in your pocket. Don't ask how it worked, cuz I have no idea." I tell her.

"So in the simulation how many years was it?" she asks

"I um, 5 or 6. been back 4 tho. Mentally older." I tell her.

"Okay new question. Did you break up with Malia because of Newt?" she asks

"Everything I do now is for Newt. Otherwise...I wouldn't be here."

"What do you mean?"

"I would have died with Newt if I wasn't pulled out of the Simulation. He would have wanted me to live. And even tho I saw his dead body after I was taken out...I still have a gut feeling that maybe...just...maybe he is still alive. Just having a hard time finding me. I keep having flashbacks to every little thing that reminds me of him."

"I..I am so sorry." Melissa says with a frown.

She ends up giving me some pills that may help with the depression and PTSD. I guess we will see how they work...

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