Ch. 13: Anxiety

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Thomas/Stiles PoV:

We are running into the hospital and a nurse comes over to me. 

"He needs help! Please" I plead

"What happened? What is his name? Doctor. John!" the male nurse yells

"His name is Newt and from what I know a broken leg and a lot of cuts." I tell him as Newt is being put on a bed and is being wheeled into the ER. i try and follow him into the room but the nurse stops me. 

"I am sorry but only family can see him like this." He says trying to get me away.

"H-He is my husband for fucks sake!" I tell him.

"There are no rings and that is just words you must leave or security is being called." He tells me as he pushes me out. 

"Page Melissa McCall! She knows!" I yell at him.

"I am sorry but we have instructions to not disturb her today. Leave, NOW!" he yells. I try to fight too get in there with Newt but Security kicks me out.

I am starting to panic so I run.

Run as fast as I can. Not knowing where I am going but I run as fast as I could.

I come up to Derek's loft. I feel the tears that are on my face. I look down and see Newt's blood on my shirt. I start to panic even more. I run into the loft flinging the door open seeing that literally thee whole pack is there but I just go to a corner and fall into a ball and I start to cry harder and harder.

I start to hit my head against the wall.







"Stiles? Are you Okay?" I hear Lydia ask.

"H-He's alive. T-th-they won't let me see only famil- Sonya! Malia call Sonya and have her come here!" I yell at her. Lydia comes over and kneels in front of me. Then I see Malia on the phone with Sonya getting her to come here. 

"Who are you talking about?" I  hear Issac ask.

"Hey, Hey, he will be okay." I hear Lydia say as she sits next to me ask I lay my head in her lap and cry my eyes out.

"I-I doon't k-know if I can just wait around..." I cry harder.

"Sonya is on her way Stiles." I hear Malia yell out coming to confront me. Not even 10 minutes later I see Sonya running to me.

"Tom! What happened?" She asks me.

"Newt....He's alive!" I yell as Soya grabs me and holds tight to me as we hug.

"H-How do you know?" She asks.

"We just rescued him from WCKD then destroyed them again. B-But I don't know how much longer I can go without seeing him..."

"Are they only saying family?" Sonya rushes the words out of her mouth.

"Y-ya. I have to be there when he wakes up! he will want to see me! I need to know if he is okay!" I start to ramble.

"Stiles, why does it even matter?" I hear Derek ask. I get up and walk over to him.

"'Why does it matter?' It matters because he is my life," I start as I back Derek into a corner as I hold his collar. "He is my world! Newt is my fucking husband who I thought died 4 years ago so Yes! It does Matter!" I yell at him. 

"Scott call your mom and have her get to the hospital. Please." I hear Sonya plead to Scott then come over to me. "Tom, let's goo wait for him. They will let me in and if I need to I will force them to let you in as well."

I agree and she pulls me off of Derek and walks me out. I see that she brought Roscoe...Some how. I get in the passanger seat and we drive back to the hospital. 


Sonya and I walk in and go too the waiting room. the nurse from before comes and sees me.

"Sir, I said only family is allowed to see him." 

"Hi, I am Sonya. Newt...Newt is my brother. And Stiles is his husband. Please let us see him." Sonya pleaded with the nurse.

"I am sorry, I can no-" The nurse was cut off by Melissa.

"Oh you will!" She starts, "What room is he in?"

" Room  250." The nurse caves and tells us.

"Sonya,  Stiles. " Melissa says our names meaning we have to follow.

We walk into the room and I run, I run! to Newt's bed side. I push his hair out of his face and hold his hand. I am not leaving him. EVER AGAIN!

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