Ch. 4: Tears

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Thomas/Stiles POV:

After the awkward lunch with Scott I went back to work. That lunch made me think of Newt more than I usually get to. And since Sonya already called I can't call her right now. We only get to call once a day, everyday. Sometimes it's two. But that is rare. Plus she is sleeping.

I let out a sigh and put my head in my hands. I knew this was going to happen today. It is the day Newt died. It has been 4 years now...

I let a tear drip out of my eye and get up from my desk and I go back into one of the interrogation rooms. I sit in a chair and just think. I have done this before, but someone found me quickly. I know my dad would let me leave and take the rest of the day off.

I can't.

I just need a couple minutes to think about him. I get out my phone and look at the Lock Screen. A smile comes across my face.

More tears.

Maybe, just maybe, I will be with him soon. It's getting way too hard to live without him.

Noah's PoV:

I notice Stiles isn't at his desk. He came in and told me he is back. Yet he is gone. I go look at the cameras and see that he is in the interrogation room. He did this last year. Same day. I could see him crying. I sigh and pick up my phone to call someone who could help.

Ring Ri-

"Hi Noah. What's up?" I hear Lydia's voice come through. She is the closest person to Stiles now.

"Hi Lydia. Stiles is in that funk he was last year, same day too. He came back from lunch with Scott and he is crying. He had a nightmare last night and I think it is getting really bad again. As you know it was bad this time last year. I don't know how much longer he can hold on." I tell he is still looking at Stiles who is now looking at a necklace.


"Well, if you want I can come get him. You know, before he throws himself into work again." Lydia asks me.

"Ya, that would be great! Thanks Lyds." I thank her.

"Anytime!" She says and the call ends.

Thomas/Stiles PoV:

I slip the ring on my finger and kiss it. But it wasn't mine, Newt's ring on my finger to have him close. I am about to take off his ring when the door opens. I pull it off since my back is to the door. I put it on the necklace and put it around my neck. Thankfully the person stayed quiet. I turn around and see Lydia.

"Hey Sti, I got you out of work for the day. I can take you home." Lydia says in a sweet voice coming over to me.

I just nod my head. I couldn't say a word. She smiles and waits for me to get up. I follow her to her car. No way I was driving.

We arrive home and I go up to my room to change. I put on sweatpants, a loose shirt, my necklace showed, and I pulled Newt's jacket on. I just needed it today and didn't care if Lydia saw it.

I come back down and go to the kitchen. I get a bottle of bourbon and go over to the living room where Lydia looks at me with a small smile.

"Sti, can I ask you a personal question?" She asks as I sit down.

"S-sure" I say as I unscrew the drink and then take a drink.

"Why are you upset?" She asks softly. I let tears come out. Lydia always know when to be gentle with me and bot ask stupid questions.

"I-It's the day N-Newt died..." I tell her and she looks a bit confused. But didn't ask who he was. Only:

"Tell me about him."

I smile at the thought of Newt and say: " Well, Newt...he had these amazing chocolate eyes they were filled with fear to everyone. But I saw the love immediately. His Hair was a dark sandy blonde. It was short when I met him then it grew and it was always cute. He had a British accent which was so hot. Literally the best thing ever. He was kind and loving. Always knew what I was thinking and I always knew what he was thinking. He um...he had a limp from an accident. He w-..." tears fall out of my eyes while I debate whether I should tell her I loved him, that I still do.

"Newt...Newt was my everything." I finally say after some time. I am looking down instead of her now.

"You Loved him." Lydia says, making me look at her with shocked eyes. "And you still do."

I smile at her as tears come down my face.

"How did you meet?" She asks, taking the bourbon away from me and wiping some of my tears away.

"Well...It was the year I was 'gone'. But um...It was only a year for you guys." I paused to see if she was going to ask anything. She doesn't and gives me a nod to continue. "I-it was 5 or 6 for me. I was put into a simulation with a bunch of other kids. We were whipped of our memory and given fake names. Mine was Thomas. But Newt called me Tommy." I told her all the basics that she needed to know about the time I was away. I didn't tell her everything about what happened or what exactly went on with me and Newt.

"Sti, It will be okay. You will see him again someday. You just have to be strong. I know you probably heard that before but it is true." She tells me but it triggers something.

"You don't understand Lydia!" I yell standing up facing her starting to throw my arms all over the place. "He was my everything! I wanted to make him happy. I wanted to be with him forever! I wanted to save everyone for him! But he died instead! We were going to get married once we got to the safe Haven! You see these? These were our rings! Even though it was a simulation if you had a strong connection with something it appeared in your pocket! Why wasn't Newt alive then! He went into the simulation wearing this jacket! I had to take it off his body after we were woken up from it and before we were given our memories back! He was not bitten by a crank! Wicked gave him the Flare! We had a plan to be happy together! To live and love! But how can I live without the one person I love besides me! I can't even see his sister today since she lives in London! We call all the time! B-But why couldn't he live!" I started sobbing at some point. I collapsed to my knees. I never told anyone that and it has been 4 years!

"Why couldn't he just come home?" I ask through a broken voice. I feel arms wrap around me as I cry.

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