Ch. 8: Pack Meeting

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Thomas/Stiles PoV:

I am so excited that Sonya is going to be staying here. Only bad part is that she probably couldn't come to the pack meetings. At the moment we are at home after a long day of work. Sonya and I are o the couch watching a movie. My phone is near Sonya and I start to get a call.

"Sup, Tom's phone!" I hear Sonya say and I laugh trying to get the phone from her. It didn't work.

"Oh hey Scott! Ya, Stiles is here." She says and I am honestly in fear. "Oh you want him to come over to you place?"....there was a long pause...."Oh you mean your mom's house since it is closer to everyone. Dope! We will be there!" Sonya says and hangs up the phone.

"And please tell me what you got me into?" I ask crossing my arms.

"Well...Scott says they were having a get together and I decided you need to hang out with them more. Plus I want to get to know Malia. Have you seen her ass?" Sonya asks me making me give off a small laugh.

"Ya, we dated before WICKED happened. From what I remember it was nice." I tell her

"Do you think she likes girls?" Sonya asks me.

"Between you and me, yes. I am one of the only ones that knows she is Pansexual. So please make her fall in love with you!" I tell her hugging her as she hugs me.

"Alright let's go!" Sonya says going to grab the keys to Roscoe.

"Sonya...You are literally in pajamas!" I laugh at her. Sure it was just a tank top and some soft shorts and her hair down for once but still.

"Oh, well....'Sorry! My Prada's at the cleaners! Along with my hoodie and my 'fuck you' flip-flops, you  pretentious douchebag!'" Sonya yells as I laugh even more.

"I can not with you! We watch the Social Network and this is what happens?" I question her.

"Yes!" She says with a smile leaving the front doors with her flip flops on. I see that I am just in sweatpants and a black tight shirt. I go and put on my tennis shoes and socks and follow after Sonya as I lock the door.

Sonya drives over to Scott's and we knock.

"Sti-...You brought her?" Scott asks confused.

"Yea" I say bluntly coming in after Sonya. I hear a:

"Ah! Oh my god!" from Malia as she goes up to Sonya and hugs her. "I didn't know you were coming!"

"Surprise!" Sonya says with a smile making me smile. The pack looks stunned and they probably do not know that the met at the flower shop and got talking and found out she knew me. It is quite cute seeing the together.

"Oh so those two know each other" Issac says. They both laugh out of the hug but hold hands behind their backs. I smirk and nod at them and they smile.

I go over to the couch to sit where I see Lydia in a rocking chair. I haven't seen her for a while...

"Hi." I say as I sit.

"Hi, how have you been?" She asks being actually concerned.

"Pretty good actually." I tell her.

"Okay everyone in the living room!" I hear Scott yell as everyone files in. Sonya sits next to me. Malia next to Sonya. and others on the floor or other small couch. Some were looking at Sonya wondering who she is.

"Ummm...Who are you?" Mason asks.

"Sonya." She says with a smile.

"O-okay, so we are just here to catch up since we all can hang for a night." Scott says.

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