Ch. 7: Tea & Coffee

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Thomas/Stiles PoV:

It has been a couple of days and Sonya is still here. I had to go back to work to do some paperwork about what happened. Sonya has been staying at my house in the spare room. Her and my dad have been getting along which makes me happy.

It has been about 3 hours of work as I hear someone come up to my desk. I see Sonya holding 2 hot drinks.

"One Tea for Officer Stilinski!" She says with a smile.

"Thanks Sonya. Pull up a chair." I tell her as she sits down.

"So how is it going? How do you feel?" She asks me.

"Better now I have tea!" I say with a smile. I see Parrish come out of my Dads office along with my dad.

"Hey Sonya!" My father says with a smile.

"Hi Mr. Stilinski." Sonya says with a smile drinking her coffee.

"Stiles I didn't know you have a girlfriend." Parrish says sitting at his desk. I start choking on my tea.

"I am not his Girlfriend!" Sonya says with a laugh.

"Oh..." Parrish says embarrassed.

"So you two are going out to lunch today?" My dad asks us.

"Only If I am allowed." I say with eyes telling him I really wanted to.

"Go ahead. Be back tho." He says and we both smile.

"Thank you Mr. Stilinski!" Sonya says with a smile.

"Please Sonya, Noah." My dad says with a smile.

"Thanks Noah!" She says as we leave.

"So where do you want to go?" I ask her as we get into Roscoe.

"Oh do you guys have a pub here?" Sonya asks

"I mean we have Bob Evens." I say with a laugh.

"They have pancakes?" She asks and I nod and we go to get some brunch.

Once we get there we get a small booth for two and order food, make small talk, and eat.

"So have you been handling everything? Like I know we talk all the time but We haven't really seen each other in 4 years." Sonya asks me. I look down at my tea and food.

"I...I have been hanging on." I say.

"Thomas you know you can tell me. I know what you have been through." Sonya says putting her hand on mine.

"I'm Fine...Yeah, aside from the not sleeping, the jumpiness, the constant overwhelming crushing fear of something terrible happening again, and well I guess reliving his death." I say sadly.

"Hey, if you want I will move here. You do not have to be alone! It has been 4 years and we haven't heard anything from WICKED. We do not have to always be in a constant state of worry. We have to move on and live our lives. I know it is hard but it is what Newt would have wanted." Sonya says as I look at her with tears in my eyes.

"But I can not move on. Not move on from him. He is...was my life. I still do not know how to move on. I know I can not love anyone ever again." I say as the tears come out.

"What if I moved here. Will that help you?" Sonya asks me again.

"Yeah..." I tell her.

"Well I will. If your dad is okay with it I can live with you guys. Tom you are my brother no matter what and I will always love you and be here for you." Sonya states.

"Okay, but what will you do?" I ask her.

"I can always get a job at that green house that we went to the other day. It was nice." Sonya says with a smile.

"Okay sounds good." I tell her as she whips my tears from my face and we continue to eat. We pay the bill and go back to Roscoe. We get in and I start to drive. Sonys pulls out her vape and takes a hit. I give her a side eye glance.

"Hey if you weren't driving and going to work I would give you a hit." Sonya says puffing out smoke.

"I truly hate you right now." I tell her.

"You know you can get one right? You are 21. And technically older." Sonya Says with a smirk.

"Well Dad is the Sheriff and would find out. And you do remember that Scott is a werewolf right?" I ask.

"Well I guess you have a point." Sony says with another puff.

"Wanna go out tonight and do it?" I ask as I arrive at my hose to drop her off.

"You bet! See you after work!" Sonya says giving me the best hug she could for us being in the car as she gets out. And I drive back to the station.

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