So my life is pretty much the same, save for me living in a new country

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I want to be a singer.

I feel it's appropriate to start off with that.

So why I signed up to major in psychology at the University of Hawaii (more commonly referred to as UH, yes, my school roughly translates to uhhhhhhh why am I here again?)

When I got here two months ago, they had run out of dorm space so they stuck me and four other girls in a small town house. It's actually really nice but a hell of a bill, which I guess is why they put five girls in there.

On the left of us was a family, so I kind of felt bad with all the noise, and on the right was a house full of college boys, who were in the same situation as us. I had met two of them, Adam and Charlie, they were kinda bland for me. The other three, from what Kira told me, were real party animals and didn't come back until really late. Supposedly they had managed all afternoon classes so they were still able to get enough sleep.

That brings me to the roommates. We are an interesting bunch all right.

We are all extremely close, though some of us closer than others.

There was Maura Greene. She is tall with light skin and dark hair that naturally highlighted itself. She lived here in Hawaii her whole life, so she naturally knows quite a few people here. She sleeps around. A lot. But she is by far my best friend here, and she acknowledges that she is kind of a whore. I wouldn't call her that if she didn't say it first. Trust me.

Then there was Sara Muller. She has blonde hair and tan skin. She wears huge glasses and has never procrastinated. She is kinda stiff, but once she is completely done with all of her school work, she is totally fun to be around. She has even gone to two parties.

Then Kira Jacobs. We like to think she is the spawn of Marc as she is totally the most fashionable person we have ever seen. She isn't though, her dad is George. There isn't a single Marc in her family. She is also tall with really tan skin and lighter brown hair that falls almost to her butt. She is really pretty, in a totally exotic kind of way and has been modeling since she was eight.

Then there was Bay Roland. She is pale with black curls and pink lips. She has gorgeous deep brown eyes. She is kinda a hipster. She is really fun to be around, I just don't really love her friends. They aren't really my kind of people.

Then there is me. Ever Arnolds. I am perfectly average. Well I think I'm perfectly average. I have a touch of ocd, I get average grades, I like to think I look pretty average although my two boyfriends and some other boys who have liked me before say that I am the polar opposite of average. Girls and boys at my high school said they looked up to me because I was flawless and an amazing person. I never bought into it. I just couldn't see it.

I grew up in Australia, although I was born in New York. I have two older sisters and an older brother, and two younger sisters and a younger brother. I am the exact middle of seven Arnolds children. There is Sumner, Autumn, and Phoenix, they are older. Then me. Then Wynter, June, and August. Yep. Three seasons, the capital of Arizona or an exploding bird (however you want to see it) two months and an adverb. My parents really loved us. (Note the sarcasm)

Currently I am sitting in my last class of the day listening to the professor drone on about something. Honestly I wish I had taken music theory. But hey, there's always next semester. Someone is tapping on the desk next to mine with their own and it's really getting on my nerves. I place my pencil down perfectly parallel to my notebook and turn to glare at them.

"Would you mind?" I asked. He glanced over at me. Holy shit it was Callan Matthews. He has two personalities here. The schools hottest boy/ hottest boy in the fruggin world, or, the last person you want to piss off at your school. He started tapping louder.

Ever Arnolds; how my life got completely flipped upside down.Where stories live. Discover now