Two weeks to the concert

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I made it.

I am in the top four of the competition and this afternoon I am getting on a plane to go and rehearse my own songs as well as group numbers and duets for the next two weeks.

"You guys promise you'll be there?" I asked. I was in the front yard with basically all my friends -Maura, Sara, Kira, Bay, Adam and Charlie- Maura was going to take me to the airport. All my bags were in the yard with me and we were all just sitting there drinking soda.

"To see our friend become famous? Duh," Sara said.

"We will be there two days before your performance," Adam said.

"Ugh I'm so excited I've never been to New York," Sara said.

"Ooh it's amazing. Very dirty, but amazing," Kira said. My phone alarm went off. It was time to go. Everyone hugged me and me and Maura left.

"Ugh I can't wait, I am so excited for you," she said. I smiled so widely. I hugged her tight.

"Thanks for the ride, Maura."

"I'll be there with Sara and Adam. You text me when you're there, okay?" She asked. I nodded. She blew me a kiss and I walked into the airport. It was the beginning of an adventure of a life time.

The flight was long. At least six hours, though probably more. I spent the entire time watching Harry Potter and Percy Jackson.

I landed and followed the arrows to the baggage claim.

No joke, it took me at least forty five minutes to get my luggage.

I thought I would have to call a taxi when I saw my name on a tablet in someone's hand.

Ever Arnolds
Golden Records

They had sent a driver. I walked up to the lady standing there and she greeted me.

"Are you Ever Arnolds?" She asked. I nodded. She smiled widely. "Welcome to New York City! You'll be staying at the Trump Soho. I'll drive you there once the other finalist gets here!" She gestured to the man standing next to her carrying a tablet that said:

Jared Sampson
Golden Records

From the interviews I remember that Jared was a twenty year old from Alaska who was an amazing pianist.

We probably waited like five more minutes before an extremely tall, very good looking, guy walked up behind me.

He was tan with blue eyes and brown, but sunbleached hair. He wore jeans and a preppy shirt with a silver watch and a necklace.

He was hot.

"You must be Jared Sampson," the man said. The guy nodded and flashed some very white teeth.

"That is me," he said. He turned to me, "and you must be Ever." He said.

"Yes," I said nervously.

"You have a very nice voice ever."

"As do you. It's a pleasure to meet you," I said. I held out my hand to him.

"The pleasure is all mine," he said. The man piled our bags onto a trolley and we walked outside to a white black hummer limousine. The man with the bags put them in the back and then went to the drivers seat. Me, Jared and the lady went to the back.

"So, you two! I am Katie! I will be your go to person for anything you might need for the duration of your stay. You two will have the two flats at the top of the Trump. Jared you will be sharing a room with Ray, and Ever you'll be sharing your flat with Linsey. Basically you're free to go and do whatever you want when you're not rehearsing every day. Because of the popularity of the contest, they have decided to do sort of like a reality type television show while you guys are here. You will each have to perform two songs solo, one song with the group, and one song with each of your competitors as a duet. Does that sound good or do I need to explain further?"

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