My Cinderella Story Screams

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They curly haired boy did what he was told. He got up speedy and raced toward the door.

"Michael! Where are you going?" Dan called out peaking out of the room. He watched Michael make a b-line toward the doors and shove them open.

Geoff, Adam, Gavin, and Lindsay were now behind Dan, watching Michael leave the parking lot. They were so confused on why he was so upset.

"Where the hell does he think he's going?" Adam asked looking at Geoff.

"I don't know." Dan and Lindsay both told him then looked at one another.

"He's doing what anyone with feelings would." Gavin commented walking down stairs. The four looked at each other in confusion.


Michael drove around wondering if he was still close or not. But, it didn't seem like he was anywhere near. They boy was screaming at himself inside. He never meant to hurt anyone. He drove past Mark's house but, his car wasn't out front. He thought hard. Where the hell could he be?

Then it hit him.

Michael drove as fast as he could without speeding. Soon he reached it. The boy got out of his car and began to let his eyes wonder the area. It was a pretty big park.

The male continued to gaze while he walked down the small trail. The park was extremly quiet. It didn't seem that Mark was here either.

Maybe Mark saw Michael's car and made a dash somewhere else. It was quite possible. Just as Michael was about to walk back, he saw a sudden movement in the corner of his eye. Mark was sitting on the swings. Michael smiled softly from the fact he was okay.

The brunette sprinted over there. Mark saw him and stood up. He wasn't going to be Mr. Nice anymore.

"What the hell do you want, Michael? Here to tell me how that was someone else kissing Lindsay?" He placed his hand on his hip while his eye brow went up.

"No. I--"

"You what? You didn't know that I'd be there?"

"Will you fucking let me finish!?" Michael spat.

Mark didn't flinch. All he did was move closer. Hope to show that he wasn't backing down.

"Why didn't you just tell me you wanted to be with Lindsay?" His tone was very dark.

"You want to know why? Because I don't want to have feelings for you, Mark. I tried my hardest to force myself to love Lindsay and Lindsay only. But, that wasn't the case."

"You seemed to enjoy her lips when I caught you two."

"Let me fucking finish." He growled.

"I couldn't just look at her in disgust every time I kissed her. I still love her. But, I wanted to make absolute sure what I'd be doing. What if I wasn't really gay, bi, straight, whatever you want to call it." Michael confessed to him. His eyes began to look softer. They didn't look angry like they did.

Mark stood there listening to his side. He felt a little bad but, yet he could be lying.

"You could of told me."

"I didn't want to make it a bigger deal then it is. I've never liked a guy before."

"How do you know you like me then?"

"...I don't." They both were starring at each other.

"But we can find out." Michael grabbed around Mark's waist to bring him close as his lips reached Marks. Marks eyes shot open. His brain wasn't prossesing what was happening.

A few seconds passed before Michael pulled away, letting go of him.

"W-well?" Mark's voice cracked as he rubbed the back of his head.

Michael smiled bigger. He was sure this was real.

"I promise I'll talk to Lindsay. I want to give this a chance, Mark. I really do." Both of their cheeks turned red.

"I believe you." Mark sighed. He wasn't sure if he did or not but, this was the last chance he'd give Michael.

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