Oh great, Michael's angry

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"I still don't see why we have to do a letsplay with him." Michael griped. His arms were folded as he slumped. His posture was very unfriendly looking.

"He's doing better then us in views and subscribers." Ray told him as he fixed up the room.

The others worked more on fixing up game room.

"Are we really playing Souls Feed The Dead?" Gavin asked a little worriedly as he turned his head to the others then to Michael.

It was a new game that came out just two days ago. It came out for every system but, they decided to play it on computer for Mark.

Michael roled his eyes groaned.

"Suck it up Gavin. You've played scary games before."

Geoff glanced over at Michael and sighed.

"If you're not going to help that's one thing but, don't start with Gavin. You know how he is." The man said.

Michael shrugged as he starred at the ground annoyed.

Ring ring

Geoff's phone went off as the whole room now stopped to look at him

"Hello?" He answered.

Ryan stepped a little closer to him then looked at Ray in a do you think it's him? Face.

Geoff smiled. "Okay. Y-yeah. Great! See you soon." And hung up. Everyone knew who it was but everyone wanted to hear from Geoff.

"He'll be here soon. He looks forward to meeting all of us." His gaze looked back to Michael. "I hope everyone can control their anger"

Michael's eyes shot toward Geoff. He was obviously talking to him.

"Geoff go fu--"

A sudden knock at door then it opened.

"I'm sorry to interrupt. But, Mar-Markip-Markiplier is here?" Lindsay struggled saying as she walked away.

In the doorway he stood.

They all rushed toward him to great him. But Michael? He didn't budge.

"I'm the one you talked to on the phone." Geoff introduced as everyone began saying their names after.

"There sure are a lot of you." Mark chuckled a bit before turning to Michael.

Michael didn't look up.

"That's Michael." Jack finally said.

Mark nodded a bit as he turned away.

They had the game all set up and ready to play. It was a game where 10 people could join in to solve the mystery.

"I think we're ready." Ryan commented.

"Finally." Michael said walking over and sitting down by them.

They began playing as Gavin and Geoff began to argue a little as Ray took Geoff's side. Mark snickered to himself.

"Oh! I get it!" Mark finally said.

"We have to take the candle over to the paper to burn it." He smiled as he began to back travel a little.

"Yeah, no shit."

Mark could hear a quietish voice a few seats down.

Michael was already burning the note.

Mark sighed a bit not being used to such a huge party of players recording.

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