You've Got Me Goin' Crazy

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The next few days Gavin repeatedly began to watch Marks videos. He felt as if it was his duty to keep an eye on Mark to see if he would say anything about his friends and even more him or Michael. The British boy clicked his newest video and began to watch it. He never cracked. His face was so plain and so... Well. He seemed to just be starring off into space?

He rested his arm on his computer desk.
'Ugh. This is so boring." Gavin thought. But he never thought of quiting his stalking. Never crossed his mind.

"Oh my god. This reminds me of the time where I played that game with the Achievement Hunter crew!"

Gavin's ears perked up as he sat up straight. Mark went on as he made another reference. Something funny that happened. Gavin glared at the screen.

"you bastard." Gavin said allowed to the boy like he was really there. The male felt proud as if he actually dug up useful information. It was time to end this once and for all. One more Letsplay. Maybe when he realizes how much of a dick they really were. Or so Gavin thought. Mark may stop talking about them. His reasoning wouldn't make sense to anyone but him. But now it was too late. Gavin picked up the phone and dialed.

"Hello?" Mark asked a bit nervously. Obviously a random number would be a bit nerve racking if you're even somewhat famous.

"Ello. It's Gavin... Geoff's friend."

"Oh hey! What can I help you with?"

"Geoff really likes having you. Can you do one more Letsplay with us?"

Mark went quiet. Another one? Seriously? It seemed as if they couldn't get off of him. Maybe they saw his twerking videos. He smiled to himself a bit then answered.

"Don't you think I've done enough? With you guys? I mean... I guess it wouldn't hurt."

"It wouldn't hurt us." Gavin smirked a bit.

"Well. When?"

"Um. Tomorrow?"

"Sounds fair. See you tomorrow." Mark said as he hung up the phone.

Gavin put his phone back in his pocket. This was going to be fun.


The next morning Gavin arrived to work a bit early and went to the room. He took his jacket off as be said hi to Matt. Only a few were actually. Not that Gavin was early every day.

10 minutes later everyone was in the room having a good time. Laughing and fighting. Ryan was even jumping on a couch.

Barbra poked her head in about to speak but sighed.

"Idiots. All of you."

Everyone began to boo her as she flipped them off.

"Just look." She said.

"Marks here to do another Letsplay with you guys." The girl opened the door fully and walked away.

Mark stood their with his big adorable smile. Everyone stood frozen as their eyes looked at one another. Gavin had forgotten he did that. In some way...

"A Letsplay?" Ray asked a bit curious as he turned to the others. Ryan shrugged.

"Well, maybe there has been a mix up but, yeah what the hell you can join." Geoff smiled back.

Mark's smile faded. He could of sworn Gavin said tomorrow. The male felt kind of dumb but, it wasn't a huge issue he supposed. He sat down next as did the rest.

Gavin particularly next to Mark.

The game began as did their smart ass remarks. Sometimes it was like they couldn't stop talking to save their life. Gavin began to be his idiot self. He began to call Michael.

"Michool, let's be on a team. Where are you? Meet me here."

Michael did was he was told and came to Gavin. They began laughing extra hard as Gavin somehow fell on the roof.

"DID YOU JUST GET MUGGED!?" Michael somehow said through his roaring laugh.

"He did!" Jack added.

Gavin squealed as he ran back to Michael. Geoff switched to teams as he explained. Gavin's eyes widened. His plan was slowly failing. He wasn't on a team with Michael!

"Wait I want to be with Michael." Gavin blurted out.

Geoff shook his head as if anyone saw. "I thought Michael, Mark and I could be on one. Don't worry. You're with Ray."

Gavin didn't say anything. I guess he could be on a team with them and still flirt with Michael. But was he ever wrong.

Mark began to call to Michael. Began to do what Gavin used too! The crew giggled.

"Michael come here." Ryan softly said.

"Michael." Ray added.

Gavin bit his lip. He wanted this to happen so Mark could see that Michael was his! Mark smiled as he and Michael laughed at bowling up Jack together.

Maybe Mark was just... Apart of the Rooster Teeth. I mean, everyone in the building knew him and at least spoken to him once. Maybe if I... If I got Michael to show or say he liked me. Maybe Mark would see how in love we were. Even if it just an illusion. Gavin thought.

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