I Was Just Counting On

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The video was now being edited as they laughed about everything in it. Gavin starred intensely at Mark. Michael and Mark seemed to be so chummy. Maybe he was losing his best friend now. the whole crew tried to bring Gavin in the conversation as Ray yelled

"Mark Nutt!"

Gavin gave a faint smile only.

Mark left after awhile. Geoff and Michael sat on a couch as they both made fun of Ryan for being well. His crazy self. Gavin waited by the door until he could squeeze out without being really noticed.

"Oh my god!"

Gavin heard followed by giggles. It was Lindsay. He followed the sound of her voice until he found her and Barbra talking.

"Heeeeeyyyy, Lindsay." The Brit man said awkwardly.

She turned as did Barbra.

"Oh, hello Gavin." Barbra smiled.

They both turned and began to talk again until Gavin once again interrupted.

"May I talk to you, Lins? Er, Lindsay?"

"Yeah what's up?" She looked back to him with a friendly expression.

"In private." Gavin then added. His eyes peaking over at Barbra.

Lindsay took a look at the female before agreeing to Gavin.

"I guess I'll catch you later, Lindsay." The girl waved as she walked upstairs.

"Everything okay? You never really come to me for things. I mean, you have have the boys."

"Yeah well, doesn't it bother you how close Michael and Mark are now?" He spat. Getting right to the subject.

Her eyes seemed to fill with delight as she chuckled.

"Gavin, he's acting like how he is with you. He may just have another friend." The girl reassured him. But, Gavin instantly shook his head.

"Do you maybe think he has a thing for men? Maybe a bit?" Gavin knew he didn't. Michael was with Lindsay. But, maybe he told her something? Something about liking Gavin perhaps?

Lindsay's smile quickly disappeared.

"Why do you ask? I mean you guys know I ship you two but I know he's not gay, Gavin. I mean he's obviously with me." She gave a small confident smirk.

The boy shrugged as he acted like she was right.

"Thats true." He told her. The girl asked if he needed anything else but, he shook his head then they went their separate ways.

Whether it was wrong to be so friend jealous or wrong to question his friend, Gavin just wanted closure. He walked upstairs to see Ryan leaving their recording room. Gavin pushed the door open before it fully shut behind Ryan.

"Hey, Gavy." Michael smiled.

Gavin breathed in sharply as he squealed.


Michael was sitting in one of the office chairs. He seemed to be the only one in the room. Gavin followed Michael's actions and sat next to him, discussing a random topic. While Michael talked, Gavin couldn't help but adore everything. How his hair bounced when he shook his head, his eyes how they were so full of anger, and most of all how his lips moved with every word he spoke. He was just perfect.

"You okay?" Michael asked as Gavin broke out of his thought.

"What? Yus!" Gavin laughed.

"You know I space out a lot." Michael shrugged agreeing.

"Michool, what if I... Did something crazy? Would you hate me?"

Michael squinted his eyes a little bit. It was obvious he was confused what crazy meant to Gavin. Gavin has done many crazy things.

"I mean like, what if I did something you hated?"

Michael was even more confused. Hated? What did he hate? Was he talking about Mark? Hard boss battles? Wh--

His thoughts were shockingly interrupted as Gavin pressed his lips against Michaels. His arms swinging tightly around Michael's neck.

Michael's eyes only widened. His mind wasn't regenerating until...

"Michael, are you ready too--? Oh my god."

Michael instantly shoved Gavin off of him as he tried to play it off like nothing.

Gavin fell back onto the floor as he instinctively grabbed the back of his head.

Lindsay stared at Gavin and Michael I  disbelief. Gavin only giggled blushing. He knew it was a serious situation but, he couldn't help it. He was nervous.

Michael glared at Gavin and walked over to Lindsay trying to reassure her. But, she only backed away.

"Maybe you two have had something going on only, no one has caught you. Gavin, you could of just told me earlier." The girl stated as she walked out slamming the door. Michael watched as it pretty much slammed in his face. He turned his head slowly. Gavin sighed.

"What does she mean by that?" Michael's voice was extremely firm.

"I'm sorry... I was mostly just... Curious. I suppose."

"Do you know how much drama this is going to cause in here?"


They both walked out of the room ready to go home now. Michael wasn't mad at Gavin or seriously upset about Lindsay. He was still shocked. But, that was all going to change.

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