Scared To Death To Face Reality

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Lindsay paced back and forth. It had been a few hours since Michael stormed off to find Mark. Lindsay sat on the stairs with her head in her hands. Everyone whispered and stared trying to figure out what was wrong with the girl. The crew even took turns trying to talk to her. Meg, Barbra, Ray, Dan, and even Geoff went to talk to her. But, all they got was... Did you hear that? No? That's right. Nothing.

Obviously, it was something with Michael but, they didn't understand why she was so bothered. He ran after a guy who was upset. Maybe he felt bad? Who knows.

"Any luck with Lindsay?" Gus asked looking nonchalantly at her. He hoped Lindsay wouldn't hear.

"Nope." Ray told him.

"We should just leave her alone. There's no point if she won't even talk to us." Meg frowned turning toward them.

"She's our friend. That's a point." Barbra growled.

"Look, who is someone else we could try?" Miles asked looking around at them.

All of them looked at the floor thinking.

"Oh my god. We're fucking idiots." Geoff gasped, instantly looking at Ray and Meg.

They both peaked at each other.

"Gavin!" Geoff expressed.

"You think that'll work?"

"It's a shot."

"Go get him, Meg." Dan told her.

She nodded and went off with Ray.


They returned with him. He wasn't suprised to find out why he was called.

"So can you go talk to her?" Barbra and Geoff asked.

"I'll see what I can do."

Gavin walked over to her and sat down.

"Feeling down, huh?"

She didn't move.

"Lindsey, common. Just talk to one of us."

Lindsey didn't budge.

Gavin looked up and waved his hand. They left instantly.

"They're gone. Can you now? I know-- We both know I'm not the smartest in the world but--"

"Michael isn't straight... Is he." She interrupted.

Gavin still wasn't suprised. He figured she'd ask eventually.

"He loves you, Lindsay. But... I can't be the one to tell you."

"I don't care whether he does or doesn't."


"It hurts knowing you couldn't be someone's everything when they mean everything to you. Do you know what that's like, Gavin?" Tears began to run down her cheeks

He stared at her for a moment then looked the ground. "Yeah... I do..."

"How do you deal with it? When will it stop hurting?" Lindsey turned to him with blood shot eyes. She was trying to stay calm.

He gave her a sympathy smile and put his arm around her neck.

"You can help by letting him be happy. It may not be what you want to do or hear. You can't make someone do something that they're incapable of doing."

Lindsey looked up at him. He wasn't being the typical Gavin everyone knew.

"No matter what." He finished.

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