Turn Around I Am Here

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Michael quickly walked inside and turned to Mark like a puppy waiting for directions.

"You can sit on the couch." So... Michael did. Mark shortly followed.

"So what's up? Why choose me out of everyone?" Mark asked as he sat next to him.

Michael breathed out rather heavily. As he began to instantly rant. He seemed nervous. Mark listened, starring him right in the eyes not breaking the connection. It was rude not to look at someone when they spoke. Whether it was serious or not.

20 minutes later, the curly haired boy was finished speaking. He was calmer but, his throat was dry from speaking so much with no break in between.

"Can I have some water?" Michael asked in a scratchy low tone.

Mark smiled and a few moments later sat back down, handing him the water. Michael started to chug it down. The black haired man finally spoke.

"It's not fair to blame you for that. Gavin is a bit at fault but, at the same time Lindsay really shouldn't be so mad. I mean, you are with her."

Michael exhaled pleased with how much the water helped. He then wiped his mouth removing the extra water around his lips.

"You don't really understand it. So many people ship Gavin and I. Lindsay does too. Well, did. But, obviously she thinks it's more then just silly best friends. I don't know what got into Gavin."

Mark took a deep breath.

"Well do you think you may be gay? Or bicurious?" He asked him with a straight face. The man was being serious. He was trying to figure it out no matter how stupid the question sounded.

Michael shook his head instantly. He started to think of Gavin and him making out which made him gag. The thought made him feel a bit dirty.


"Then I think you should talk to Lindsay even if it kills you. Even if she acts like she's not listening, she is." Mark informed him.

"I guess I'll have too. I love her and I need her to just listen."

Mark smiled and nodded.

"Thanks for listening to me. I really appreciate it." Michael said as he got up. Mark copied him by doing the same.

"Don't worry, Michael. You're welcome to come here anytime."

They walked to the main door. Mark stopped at the doorframe while Michael continued on.


The boy turned.

"I'm on your side. Just for a little bit." Mark smirked. Maybe a playful joke to end on a happier note.

Michael gave a small laugh and smile. Soon he disappeared into the dark as he drove off. He sure hoped Mark was right. He needed to be firm with Lindsay... And probably apologize for calling her a Bitch.

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