How Do You Do?

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Michael entered the room as Geoff and Ray watched him closely.

"What?" Michael asked.

"Can you please tell us why you're so rude to him?" Geoff asked. He wouldn't drop it no matter what.

"Look. I just don't want him replacing any of us. We've all came so far." The curly haired boy smiled sweetly at them all.

Gavin starred at him and spoke.

"Michool, nothing could replace you."

"What!? I'm not talking about myself, idiot."

"It seems like you are to us." Ryan informed him.

"Well I'm not. For all you know, Ryan it could be you."

"Or Jack." Ray followed.

"Me???" Jack asked a bit worried.

Chatter was stirring up in the room between the others. Geoff sighed and raised his voice a bit so they could hear him.

"No one is getting replaced. Michael it's obvious you're worried about that. I don't know why but, it's nothing to be concerned about."

Michael roled his eyes.



A few hours went by as they finished their Letswatch. Michael got frustrated but didn't break the disk.

Jack took the disk out and put it in the game as he handed it to Geoff.

"I assume he'd want this back ASAP." The bearded man said.

Geoff's eyes panned over the game. He walked up to Michael talking to Ryan.

"I think you should take this back to him."

"You called him so."

"Doesn't matter." The tattoo'd man was firm.

"You don't want to be replaced then stop being an ass." He continued as he grabbed Michael's wrist putting the game in his hand, locking the boys fingers onto it. Then left the room.

Michael watched the door close behind him.

"But I don't even know--" He began to say to Ryan.

Michael's phone buzzed meaning he got a text. He picked up his phone to see Geoff texted him the address. The boy sighed.

"Michael. You're stubborn. You can treat him as bad as you want but, to his face, you need to be nice. No one ever said you actually had to like him."

The brunette nodded a bit in agreement.

"I suppose that's something I can do."

He grabbed his keys and wallet from his desk and immediately walked straight down to his car. It was well past three hours by the time Mark was here. He'd have to be getting a bit worried about his game.

Michael began to drive to his place. He already had some anxiety. The male already assumed Mark would feel uncomfortable when he found out Michael was bringing him the game back.

Silence fell as Michael concentrated looking for the right road to turn on. The pitter patter of the rain and the soft hum from the car engine was the only thing that was heard.

The curly haired man pulled the car into Mark's street.

"Let's see..." Michael thought as he glanced back and forth at his phone and the houses.

"Ah." The man pulled over to the curb. Marks house was rather nice. Approaching the door, Michael felt a bit light headed from his anxiety. He knocked on the door and waited.

And waited.


And waited.

The brunette began to get angry that Mark wasn't answering. Maybe he wasn't home.

After a few more seconds Michael turned away swearing at Mark in his mind for not being there.

A door squeaked open causing the boy to turn his head.

"Oh man. I'm sorry. I was in the middle of doing laundry." Mark smiled a bit then squinted his eyes in a confusion.

"Didn't think you'd be the one to show up." His smile never faded fully but, it wasn't as full as before.

The fellow backed up to the door and held the game out.

"That makes two of us." Michael joked a bit but was being true.

Mark had an idea why he was the one showing up. The others seemed to want everyone to get along which was fine. He took the game.

"Thanks Michael. I really appreciate not breaking the game." Mark joked back to him but, wasn't sure if that was appropriate to say to him.

Michael merely smiled.

"I liked doing a letsplay with you just, I guess my stubbornness caused it not to be fun." He somewhat lied. He knew it was true to an extent.

Mark smiled a bit bigger believing he was being sincere.

"Well I'd love to do a letsplay with you again!" Marks tone was very light. He was excited that Michael didn't hate him anymore. Maybe the AH crew and him would all be friends?

Michael's eyes widened a bit. He wasn't necessary expecting that.

"Uh." His voice instinctively sounded.

Marks eyes still were lit up.

Michael slowly smiled as shrugged. He just reminded himself what Ryan told him.

"Yeah I suppose we could do one together. It'd be a nice change then Gavin"

"Great! How bout now? While you're here?" Mark sounded a bit impatient but, what the hell. He was already there.

Michael figured the same. He was already here and really had no big reason to leave. Actually, no good enough reason.

"I'm not being on a team with you. You're going down." Michael smirked.

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