But, Michool?

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Michael soon left and arrived home.

Mark watched the video again and died laughing. He scrolled down into the comment section and began to silently read the feedback.

Omg I ship this

I hacked this comment so you can't like it

"Come eat me you fucking pricks!" Died!



Mark read on. Yeah, yeah, two males doing a letsplay. Of course they'll be shipped together. He scrolled more as he began to continue seeing the pairing. It was getting more frequent.

Michael x Mark

Do another one with Mark, Michael! CUTE.

I never ship. But... This...

This what!? What are they shipping!? Mark was getting so frustrated.

3:01 will change your life. OTP.

Mark smirked as he found the part everyone was going gaga over. He merely clicked it as it buffered.

It was probably just a thing Mark said.

The boy watched until 4 minutes. He still was confused. He played back the video once again but noticed it.

Michael had been starring at him as he talked.

Mark blinked a few times. He was not in awe from it. He was more confused then anything.

'It's not like Michael was drooling over me. Michael merely... Well...'

Mark wasn't exactly sure why Michael did that. Nothing too weird. But I guess anything you do gets you coupled now adays.


Michael on the other hand just got done watching the video.

But, like any other person, he scrolled down to the comment section. The curly haired boy read the same comments.

Michael x Mark!

Eye contact was beautiful, Michael.

His eyes say love but his comments say rage.

Michael raised his eyebrow. He was so very confused. But unlike Mark he caught on faster then him. He was irritated that he finally did something that everyone wanted and it came to this. Everyone wanted them to get along but when they do they get coupled.

"Fucking ridiculous." Michael said to himself as he sat back on his couch.

"What is?" Lindsey asked as she walked in.

The man was surprised she heard it.

"Just getting shipped with fucking, uh. Whatver his fucking god damn name is."

"... Mark?"


"... You get shipped with Gavin all the time? What's different?"

He looked up at her with more of a shocked look.

"He's my best friend. Not some stranger."

She shrugged.

"Can't wait for the fanart." The girl smirked as she walked into the next room.

He sighed. "Fuck you."


Soon, the British boy now reading the comments. He was feeling a bit of anxiety as he read every single comment involving the ship. Gavin's mood began to change a bit. Surly it was just fandoms that were going crazy over two males... And that one stared at one a bit longer... Gavin thought about the time during the slender man video. When Michael stared at him for that second and how the comments went crazy over that.

He sat in his chair in disbelief that a stare could ster so much well... Rubish. It was just a bloody stare for Christ sake. Means nothing.

The man roled his eyes.

"My little Michool would NEVER go for him. I mean he has Lindsey." Gavin said to himself.


((Hai guys! If you could comment what you all are thinking so far it'd really help me out! I plan on updating this book a lot more frequently. So if you're liking this book make sure to let me know! Thank you!))

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