Don't Look Back You're Safe Now

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They held each other for another few seconds. They could hear rain falling onto the windows near by. both were extremely sad to see a year long relationship wither away. But, of course, they knew it was for the best.

When they let go, Michael took her hand. "I hope the other's don't make a huge deal out of this." He gave a small fake chuckle.

"Tell them we're okay. Nothing we can't handle."

They walked out of the room holding hands but, letting go as they reached everyone. More people seemed to of gather around. They all stared at them like they were waiting for a conclusion.

"Uh hi?" Michael squinted his eyes in confusion.

"Worked everything out?" Geoff asked with a simple smile.

"Yep." Lindsay gave him a grin and looked at Michael with a sweet expression. Everyone began to talk again. Nothing serious. Mostly just about videos and what they needed to finish.

After another 10 minutes, they were rapping up their conversation when loud squeaking came from the front entrance.

Everyone peaked over someone or turned around depending on where they were standing.

"Michael?" Mark was standing there extremely wet. His shoes were squeaking from the rain.

No one really knew what to say. A person showing up looking for Michael. What else was new?

Mark walked up to them. He looked pleased to see everyone. Though, no one looked pleased to see him. The male turned to Lindsay then back at Michael. Obviously they both knew what he was thinking.

Michael turned his head not wanting to face this in front of everyone. Lindsay however didn't mind.

"He's all yours." She giggled placing her index finger on her bottom lip. It was more of a pose waiting to see what would happen.

The crew looked at each other wondering what the girl meant by her sentence.

Mark's eyes widened and his teeth showed in a wide grin. His heart began to raise as he pulled out a piece of white note book paper from his back pocket.

Michael's eyes shifted over to Mark from the sound of the ruffling paper.

Mark cleared his throat. Everyone had their forehead crinkled, nose scrunched up and/or their eyebrows knitted closely together. They had absolutely no idea what was happening. Besides Michael and Lindsay of course.

The black haired male unfolded it all the way. He cleared his throat and began to shakily read.

"Michael, I want you to know how much you mean to me. Look at Mich-- er." Mark bit his lip and looked at the curly haired boy.

Michael wasn't looking him. Instead his eyes were focused on his own shoes.

Mark sighed as he placed three fingers onto Michael's cheek and turned his head up to where they made eye contact.

The girl continued to smile, being happy for the hope-to-be-soon couple.

Mark read on.

"Since day one, I knew we had something special. I can't keep pretending that I don't know you. Whether you really did hate me or if you just wanted to look tough for everyone in the office. To me you're the toughest here even though you're shorter then me. You've always been able to put a smile on my face when out eyes would meet I adore how--"

"What the hell is happening? It's like a wedding vow?" Jack asked looking around at the heads turning toward him.

"Finally someone asked." Ray admitted quietly.

Most of the workers didn't even bother saying anything. It didn't feel like real life anymore.

"Is this a joke?" Barbra asked tilting her head.

"What do you mean the toughest?!" Geoff huffed.

Everybody broke into questions and ramblings. Mark sighed crumbling the note up. He knew it was cheesy anyway.

"Michael, listen..." The crews voices died down.

"I want to be with you. I don't care if they're here and they know. I want them to know how much I like you."

The brunette boy smile was uncontrollable as he curled his lips and looked away shyly. It just wasn't like Michael.

"Wh-what do you say?" They male had so much anxiety. He felt as if he could throw up any second.

"I already told you I wanted too." Michael told him rubbing the back of his own head. Mark smiled widely once again, rapping his arms around the boy giving him a kiss on the lips.

Everyone gasped. The girls covered their mouth. No way this was true!

"Is this even real!?" Meg asked in panic.

"Yep!" Gavin giggled.


A few days later, the two boys uploaded a video with each other coming out to their fans. For Mark, it was who that someone was in his other video. Michael had a hard time explaining what exactly happened but, Mark was able to help. The end of the video showed them kissing. Michael and Mark had a new channel starting that involved them playing video games together. In fact, the channel was going better then they expected. Most comments were about them and not about the game. The boys biggest comment they receive was that they bicker like a married couple. They absolutely loved it. Just one more channel on YouTube that would soon reach one million.




I'm so sad I had to end this but, nineteen chapters is pretty long! I really hoped everyone reading this enjoyed this book! :) Now, if you're still reading my note then I have a question for YOU. Should I write a squeal to this or write a new AH fanfiction? Or even Markiplier? More then happy to take requests! :3


THANKS FOR READING! Comment, like, and share! It'd really help me! :)

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