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Chapter 8 Maddie POV: I plug in my ear buds as I walk to the bus stop and listen to Chandler hey loser  I hear someone say I unplug my earned and guess who it is chloe. You know they shouldn't let idiots into the school oh really I say to her well I guess that's why I beat you by 15 points. Her face flushes with rage that's only cause abby likes you. Ok sure I say. That's it Ziegler I'm done with you first you beat me now this she punches me hard in the side an  I wince and fall she begins kicking me. Leave her alone I hear a voice say I glance up and it is Zach.

Zach POV: that morning I wake up and decide to wear what maddie gave me.I put her sleeping bag away and set the pillows on her bed next to her I give her a kiss on the head and write her the note I creep downstairs and out the door. 3 hours later I went back to my house and sorted on the steps my I phone said it was 7:30 better hurry the bus leaves at 8:15 and school.starts at 9:30 I walk the 15 minute walk to the bus stop for maddie it is only about 3 minutes I should have stayed there probably. As I get near the bus stop I see maddie and chloe standing over her kicking her leave her alone I say her brown eyes look up and meet mine. I push chloe to the side you ok maddie yah she whispers I help her up and give her a hug then kiss her. Luv you mads luv u to zachie she says I like that nickname I whisper she smiles I know you would.

Maddie POV once we get to school Zach says he has a surprise what I ask I asked if I cold have my locker moved next to yours and they said yes. Yeah I reply and give him a kiss on the cheek. We walk down to our lockers together I open my locker mandating inside is a little stuffed animal it is a cute small panda bear. Aww thank you zacie I say.sure thing and this misfortune sister he says and takes out a doplhin stuffed animal. Thanks. Then I hear chloe oh he's hear now she says. What do you want chloe. Watch it zigler. You watch it I retort. Shut your mouth chloe says and slams me so hard the room is one big blur and there seems to be two of chloe and Zach chloe begins to kick me stop it chloe he says all I manage to get out before I black out is don't zach.

Zach POV: Stop it chloe I say then I hear maddie say don't zach . But she just hurt her I have to I punch chloe hard in the rib cage then I pick up maddie and carry her off. She is so light is what I think. I bring her into an empty class cause I know she wouldn't wanna go to the nurse. I see he cu she go from he u e upping over reopend and is bleeding I be a bandage and put I on her head.

Maddie POV: I slowly open my eyes and see Zach hey mads are you ok I nod. We have 5 minutes to get to class do you still wanna go. I nod being to weak to speak my head is killing me from when I hurt it a few days ago I'm fine I say. Tippical madison. He says shaking his head I smile at him remembering that s what he said when we met 3 days ago maddie I correct him just like I did before he laughs again and shakes his head. We join hands and walk to class good luck with the monster he mummbles to me thanks I say laughing I take my seat Next To chloe Zach sits behind me I am so happy and Kendall sits next to him good I'll have backup I think. We sit in row like things here are 3 huge lines by there is space in between it and there is 2 in each row thing hen he next two are behind. I feel Zach playing with my hair as the teacher is giving a lecture I turn and smile he smiles back chloe kicks me and I kick her back. After school I tell :o) to pick me up at the abby Lee dance company at 7:30 for are date bye zachie by mads he says gives meanies and walks away. Hi kenz how are you. I say walking into her room she shrugs. I give her a hug then go to get ready for dance I wear a pink abby Lee dance company crop top and black abby Lee dance company booty shorts I pack a pair of white wash Jean shorts and a tank top from pink and slip it in my dance bag I do my hair in a high pony tail maddie time for dance my mom calls. I grab my dance bag.

Once we get there I slip my tan jazz shoes on and abby calls us in for pyramid kenzie sits on the bench in the studio so she can watch I can feel chloe giving me dirty looks alright chloe maddie beat you once again I don't know why you don't think you have confidence you are so cocky. Chloe give  me a look on the bottom of the pyramid chloe maddie beat you and maddie was dancing circles around you in the diet chloe glares at me and I try to ignore it. Next nia point your feet next pagie same thing  Next Brooke smile and don't complain. Next row Kendall you where amazing but your face need  work next Hanna you only had a trio but you where amazing alright there will be one solo one duet a trio and group abby says the solo will go to maddie with changing my life it is contemporary. I nod. Chloe shoots me a look gentle her maddie Kendall wishers I nod alright the duet will be chloe and maddie chloe this is you chance. It is a acro duet called forgiving. The trio is Kendall Hanna and pagie it's jazz and called trying the group is jazz and it is called last night maddie you are the lead. Chloe is going to get me is all I think.

Alright this is just a story chloe is not mean or a bully she is nice so please don't hate it is just a story

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