suck it up

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Chapter 9 Maddie PIC:Chloe and I are starting are duet practice. Stay out of mg way Ziegler she says then we both walk into studio A. Alright girls let's get started. The dance has some really cool tricks in it the tricks are arieals back tucks backhandsprings backbends and more as we are doing the back tuck chloe hits me hard with her hand on purpose and I fall to the floor and ny knee bangs against the floor. Abby did t see that chloe hit me though. I hold ny knee it hurts so bad. Alright that's it for today abby says. Tell Hanna Kendall and pagie to come I. We nod and I get up and walk out of the room.

Why did you do that chloe I say looking at my knee that is swollen and badly bruised already  cause you need to not dance she snaps then she starts punching my knee and kicking it I wanna scream. Finally she stops good luck Ziegler she says then walks out. At 6:45 I limp to the bathroom and put on my dark he Jean shorts and a tie dye t shirt. My knee looks really bad ans I can barely walk. I step out Zach is warring ready I nod and we start to walk to the park.

When we get there I actually fall down on the blanket.Maddie are you ok I nod what's wrong with your knee? He asks I sigh nothing maddie he says taking my face in his hands you can tell me. Chloe I mumble. It looks bad let me look cause I know dice center I am a life grad and all. I give a small laugh.

After he looks at it we head home. Zach yah he asks r u going to be ok staying at your house yah he says alright just call me if your not he nods. I step inside and see mckenzie on the couch throwing up blood and her nose bleeding. Mckenzie r u ok I say and run over to her where's mom. Store left 5 minutes ago so t be home till 12 I look at the clock 9 kenz wanna go to the hospital no she says you cant tell mom maddie please alright fine kenz she nods. Maddie yah kenz. I want dinner I nod and make her a soup. But then she starts what she was doing when I got home after I leave to go in the kitchen.

Then she starts to shake McKenzie I scream she keeps shaking she told me not to call I will if it dose t stop I'll have to. It stops kenz you need to go to the hospital no they will keep me there forever.

I call Zach hey uh maddie hi Zach please come over why what's wrong mckenzie I reply then hang up.

Zach comes over please help me watch her he looks at McKenzie and knows what happens and nods. Thank you zacie. Yep mads he says and kisses me.

After awhile McKenzie falls asleep and Zach gose home. My mom gets home mckenzie ok I nod. Alright maddie you should go to bed I nod. And go upstairs I have to suck it up that chloe and is bullying me and mckenzie has cancer I guess.

Alright sorry for not updating

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