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Welcome back to The Water Alchemist. I don't own any of the intellectual property of Fullmetal Alchemist.

Chapter Eight



Rain dripped down the large window of my hospital room. It hadn't stopped raining since that awful day. I had been placed on strict bed rest, but I was starting to get antsy. I felt like I had been staring out the same damn window for an eternity when I heard the door open. I looked up excitedly, hoping to see Ed or Al, but was disappointed to see my nurse, Michelle. Don't get me wrong; she was sweet and had been taking great care of me, but the boys hadn't come to see me yet that day, which worried me. When I was first admitted, they were at my bedside as soon as they were allowed. But it was nearing noon, and they still hadn't come.

"How's the arm?" Michelle asked, placing water and a thick white pill into my hand.

"Better," I responded.

I took the chalky pill and swallowed hard, gulping the water until it was gone. The doctors had to put my shoulder back into place, which was so excruciating that I passed out— but when I woke up, I had the feeling in my arm again. I even got a neat sling. They cleaned and dressed the gash on the back of my head, which was luckily shallow enough to heal without the need for stitches. I had a severely bruised neck and back, but no serious internal injuries, which I was grateful for. Bandaged wrists completed the mummy look.

"That's good to hear," she said as she began to undress my bandages.

She worked quickly and made small talk – mostly about the rain – as she tended to my injuries. She had packed up her kit and was ready to leave when I called her back.

"Have you seen them today?" I asked. She looked back at me quizzically. "The two boys who brought me here, I mean."

"Oh, the shorty and the tin man?" she asked with a laugh.

"Who are you calling shorty?" a familiar voice surged into the room.

Michelle and I looked to the fuming source, only held back by his more sensible younger brother. Michelle just laughed and walked past them and out of the room, closing the door behind her. I stifled my laughter and greeted the brothers. Ed looked awful. He had terrible bags under his eyes, and his hair was messily braided as if he did it in the dark. Al seemed off too, though his expression wouldn't show it. He was hunched over, not his usual upbeat self. Al pulled up a stool next to my bed, and I gave him a soft smile. Ed lingered by the wall.

"How are you feeling today, Marina?" Al asked.

"Better, thank you. I can move my fingers, look," I said excitedly as I managed to wave the digits slightly. Al gave me a nervous chuckle. Silence filled the room as I stared at my sling. When I looked up to Al, he quickly averted his gaze. I glanced over at Ed and was met with the same reaction. The ongoing silence was suffocating. "You've been avoiding me."

"We had to answer some questions for the Colonel," Ed sighed into a yawn.

"Is that why you look so rough?" I asked. Al chuckled a little.

"You're one to talk," Ed retorted.

"Fair," I said, looking down at the sling. "I already said that I was fine, though."

"Are you sure, Marina?" Al asked gently.

"I told you I was when I first woke up."

"Yes, but you went through so much. More than we could imagine."

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