What Lies Ahead

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Welcome back to The Water Alchemist. I don't own any of the intellectual property of Fullmetal Alchemist.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

What Lies Ahead

TW: There is a depiction of an anxiety attack brought on by PTSD. Reader discretion is advised.


"Well?" Lust asked the approaching soldier, tapping her foot impatiently.

She was irritated, to put it mildly. Envy had screwed things to hell, and now she had to figure out how to undo his mess before Father caught wind of it. The soldier transformed back into the familiar figure her fury was directed at as he held out a piece of paper to her.

"I was able to locate a witness who saw the man that orchestrated the breakout. Here, this is a rough sketch of the guy," Envy said, handing over the scrap of paper which Lust examined.

"Oh, he's still alive then?" she asked with a laugh, recognizing number sixty-six. She furrowed her brow, looking up to Envy. "Is there any direct connection with the Colonel?"

"Who knows? My money says he's the one behind it, though," Envy said through a stretch.

It would make sense that the Colonel had been the puppeteer of this little operation, especially after the stunt he and that girl pulled over Envy. Imagine Lust's surprise when Envy came back shivering and empty-handed. She eyed him from the corner of her peripheral.

"Where did he run off to?" she asked, referring to number sixty-six.

It didn't bode well for them if he was on the Colonel's side. He knew too much. Envy seemed to bend out of shape at the inquiry.

"Well, he did leave pretty suddenly, and he's good at hiding," he stuttered, seeming utterly unsure of himself.

"In other words, you have no idea. You're useless," Lust bit out. "Not only do you not have any useful information on the breakout, but you couldn't even manage to bring one little girl to Father. Pathetic."

"Don't blame this on me, you old hag. You know as well as I do that if Pride were here, this would have been more manageable," Envy shot back. "He and Wrath sure picked a convenient time to skip town."

He grumbled to himself irritably, and Lust rolled her eyes. How many times would it take for him to understand?

"You know they have to keep appearances," she sighed, rubbing her temples. "I could let the breakout slide, but how difficult is it to secure a girl?"

She had done it quite easily. Maybe that was the issue; she hadn't been the one to retrieve her in the first place.

"Well, I'd like to see you bring her in without wanting to kill her," he muttered. "Damn brat, freezing me like that... She'll pay for that. Her and that damn Colonel. Two against one isn't very fair, don't you agree?" She ignored his useless question.

"Have you at least managed to find out where she and that troublesome man we were looking after escaped to?" she asked. Envy didn't meet her gaze, pressing his index fingers together guiltily. Lust groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Such incompetence."

"Look, they were quick on the uptake. I know where the Colonel is, at least. He's back at his post like nothing happened," Envy griped. "As if he didn't burn me to a crisp."

"How bold," she mused, stroking her chin. Their plan to subdue him hadn't gone accordingly, but maybe now he'd behave himself, though she had her doubts. He didn't seem the type. Something occurred to her. "What of that nurse?" Envy grinned slyly.

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