Bittersweet Parting

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Welcome back to The Water Alchemist. I don't own any of the intellectual property of Fullmetal Alchemist.

Chapter Forty-Four

Bittersweet Parting


"I'm sorry, but Miss Wayde checked out yesterday morning," the hotel clerk said, checking his records. Kimblee took a shallow breath, resting his hand against the counter.

"You wouldn't happen to know where she's gone, would you?" he asked.

"I'm afraid not, sir," the clerk shook his head apologetically, and Kimblee tipped his hat.

"Well, thank you for your time," he said, his voice a touch strained as he turned and stalked through the lobby.

Tracking down this girl wasn't supposed to be as troublesome as it was proving to be. She barely had a record, and even with a physical description for his men, she looked like most girls from Amestris. Envy wasn't exactly forthright with information either, though he did provide Kimblee himself with a clear idea of what she looked like, though seeing the Homunculus as a young girl was quite strange. The most he had given up beyond that was that she was currently staying with the Elric brothers at this hotel, but it would turn out she had just checked out. She couldn't have gotten far, he rationalized, but there was still the task of tracking Scar, who they hadn't had any useful intel on yet. The latest sighting still put him and Marcoh in Central, but that had been two days ago. Luckily, the military had been searching for them quite actively, so train stations and borders were on the lookout. If they tried to flee, which Kimblee knew was only a waiting game, someone would see a six-foot Ishvalen with a prominent scar and report the finding directly to him. It was a bit thrilling, anticipating their next move, waiting for when the time was right. There was no need to rush it. Kimblee didn't mind putting in a little effort to claim his prize. It was the chase that excited Kimblee the most, after all; the more elusive his prey, the surer they were that they escaped his clutches right before he pounced, the better. A slight grin pulled at the corners of his mouth just thinking about it.

"Mr. Kimblee, sir," a soldier came running up to him as he descended the stairs of the hotel.

"Yes, what is it?" Kimblee said, walking to the car awaiting him.

"One of our men reported a sighting," he said hurriedly. Kimblee perked up, turning to the soldier.

"Of Scar?"

"No, of the girl, sir," the young officer clarified.

"Oh?" he said, intrigued. "Where?"

"The train station at Rush Valley, sir. Spotted with two boys – one – missing his left arm and a suit of armor."

"What an interesting bunch," Kimblee noted. "Did you make contact?"

"No, unfortunately not, sir," he lamented.

"I want a tail on her, but don't get too close. We'll keep an eye on her for now," he announced, to which the soldiers saluted. Having an idea of her whereabouts made things a bit easier, but chasing down Scar took a bit of priority. As far as Kimblee knew, the girl wasn't murdering pawns for the Homunculi and kidnapping disgraced scientists. He slipped into the car, and before they were off, another soldier climbed into the backseat. Kimblee looked up at him as the driver began toward Central Command.

"Sir, Scar's been sighted still in the city," the soldier said. At this, Kimblee glowed. Things always seemed to work in his favor in the end.


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