Chasing Time

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Welcome back to The Water Alchemist. I don't own any of the intellectual property of Fullmetal Alchemist.

Chapter Fifteen

Chasing Time


"Pass me a roll, would you?"

The first words spoken the whole meal came from Nessa's lips. The sentiment was aimed at no one in particular, but both parties that accompanied her moved their hands to the rolls. Both Marina and Elias grasped the wicker basket and, as they locked eyes, engaged in a heated glaring contest. Elias snarled, to which Nessa kicked his leg from under the table. He grumbled and released the basket to Marina, who quietly passed them to Nessa. If any stranger would walk in on such a scene, they'd probably mistake them for an antagonistic, quick-stitch family sitting around the dinner table.

"Brat," Elias mumbled.

"Jerk," Marina mumbled back.

"You two are hopeless," Nessa remarked, chomping down on the warm and buttery biscuit.

"He's the hopeless one," Marina muttered.

She felt something flick her in the head and noticed a pea rolling across the table. She glared at Elias, who feigned innocence.

"And here I thought you worked out your differences. You sure were loud enough in there," Nessa said, slurping her stew. "I could barely concentrate on cooking."

"No, it's fine, he only threatened to kill me, it's fine," Marina murmured into her soup.

"She still hasn't told me what I wish to know," Elias said, swirling his spoon around the bowl and ignoring the girl's grumblings.

"There's nothing to tell," Marina said, dipping a roll in the steamy stew. She took a bite but burned her tongue on the soup-soaked biscuit. "Ow!"

"Serves you right, with that wicked tongue of yours," Elias snorted. He took a sip of his soup, and his tongue endured the same fate Marina's had.

"Ha! You're one to talk," she retorted, her words distorted as not to use her injured tongue.

"Now, children," Nessa scolded. "No fighting at the dinner table."

"Stop treating me like I'm a child. I'm seventeen," Elias sulked. "You're only a few years older, don't patronize me."

"You're seventeen?" Marina asked, in disbelief. "But you're so tall. I thought you were much older."

Without his mask, his face did look much younger and far less sinister— even covered with scars. One side of his face was rough, but the other was much softer in comparison.

"Can we get back on topic, please?" Elias asked, irritated but slightly flattered. "I still need to know all you know about Carter."

"I thought you resigned yourself from chasing him," Marina said, taking the last bite of her soup. Marina wasn't particularly fond of the taste, but the girl held her bowl out for a second helping anyway, which Nessa was delighted to offer.

"I want to know the secret of the Philosopher's Stone; I know he knew about it," he said.

The bowl almost slipped from Marina's hands, and Nessa dropped the ladle to the table in offering her assistance. Elias looked at her with complete seriousness, unfazed by her startled reaction. She put the bowl down and didn't lift her spoon.

"You know, it's a truth better left unsaid," she said as steadily as she could, nursing a spot on her hand that hot soup had spilled on.

"So, then, you do know of it?" he asked. Marina chuckled; the irony behind his inquiry not lost on her. She traced the outline of her necklace absentmindedly.

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