Getting Somewhere

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Welcome back to The Water Alchemist. I don't own any of the intellectual property of Fullmetal Alchemist.

Chapter Seventeen

Getting Somewhere


The train ride was as bumpy as ever. I kind of let myself get used to staying in one place, perhaps foolishly. We had set out as Ed had promised that night, catching a later train headed toward Rush Valley. It was a quick goodbye, and I felt bad about leaving without explaining myself to Ross and Brosh, but they were quite understanding. Ross gave me the lecture she prefaced anyway, and I was able to give her a little word of warning. Nothing too crazy, but I suggested she take a leave of absence and go on vacation somewhere, maybe to see family. She joked that she deserved it after what we had put her through, but while I chuckled with her, I knew that something much darker could befall her. I just wanted her to take care of herself. I wondered briefly what my interference would do to the timeline as I knew it, but I figured a hint couldn't hurt. I wasn't sure what kind of upset Hughes' disappearance would cause, so I wanted her to be able to see her family before she disappeared too. It was the least I could do for her if she ended up taking the fall. I watched the rolling hills fly by as night began to fall beside Winry, who was enthusiastically awaiting our arrival at Rush Valley.

"It's going to be so cool!" she said, wriggling around in the seat excitedly. "I can only imagine the kind of automail I'll get to see; maybe I'll even be able to learn something new!" Ed huffed, squished against the window next to his brother, who was doing his best to accommodate him.

"You're such a gear head," he grumbled.

"Well, look who's talking, alchemy freak," she retorted. "Right, Marina?" I peeled my gaze from the outside and looked at the expectant girl.

"Yeah," I nodded with a half-smile and looked back out the window.

I could almost feel her worried gaze as she bore a hole in the back of my head, and my mouth settled in a tight line. I still hadn't told them anything. Every time I tried, I wanted to tell them everything. But I couldn't risk it; I couldn't risk Hughes. When I told them, I had to be sure that I'd be able to keep my mouth shut about him. They weren't making it easy.

"I know, this will cheer you up!" Winry said as she reached beneath her seat and pulled out a basket covered in a checkered patterned cloth. When she removed it, the warm and homey smell of apple pie wafted about the cabin. "Mrs. Hughes baked this for us to enjoy on our trip." She placed a piece on a napkin and handed it to Ed, who was already drooling.

"Oh man!" he said, between bites. "This is hands-down the best apple pie ever!"

"Isn't it, though?" Winry mused. "Mrs. Hughes is a really wonderful cook."

"To put it mildly. Not to mention that quiche she made for us was also super delicious," he said, taking another giant mouthful. Al reached under the seat and produced the little black notebook he carried around.

"I'm definitely putting Mrs. Hughes' pie on the list of things I want to eat when I have a mouth again," he said, scribbling quickly into the notebook.

"Well, she gave me the recipe— so when you're back to normal Al, I'll make it for you," Winry beamed, preparing another slice.

"Awesome, thanks!" Al exclaimed, knocking slightly into Ed in his excitement. He sheepishly rubbed the back of his armor at Ed's glare. Winry held out a piece to me, a sweet smile on her face.

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