Grave Dweller

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Welcome back to The Water Alchemist. I don't own any of the intellectual property of Fullmetal Alchemist.

Chapter Thirty-One

Grave Dweller


Ed dropped the cloak folded at his side, marching off ahead of me and into the cemetery. I trailed behind him – now carrying both our cloaks – stopping just short of the entrance as he faced his father. I decided to leave them to their own devices. I stood idly by while Edward and his father exchanged some... colorful greetings if one could call it that. I leaned against the stone fence, facing away from the pair as they talked, instead focusing my eyes further up the trail. I could see the Rockbell's place and the ashen plot that Ed and Al had once called home beyond it. Eventually, they finished – or at least, Ed had decided they were done – and Ed stomped out of the cemetery. It was astonishing how Hohenheim was able to rattle Ed more than I had seen him rattled by any Homunculi or mortal danger we had encountered thus far. I stood from the sidewall I leaned against, holding his cloak out to him. He took it with a bit of a grunt, and I chuckled at the strange angry stance he took.

"What's so funny," he grumbled. I pointed at his angled feet.

"You look like an angry little duck," I pointed out, concealing a snort.

"Don't call me little!" he hissed, looking down.

He seemed to take notice of how duck-like his stance was and straightened up, but he couldn't hide the little smirk on his face as we began to laugh together. I was glad to see him a little livelier after his encounter with his father, but that was soon dashed as Hohenheim approached. Ed glared as he stood a few feet away. He turned with a huff, headed up the path.

"He's exactly like I was at his age," Hohenheim said wistfully, almost to himself, watching Ed's disappearing back. He looked down at me with a cold blankness in his eyes, and I gulped. "I hadn't expected that my son would find a woman."

"He didn't," I corrected, nipping whatever ideas he was forming in the bud. "Just a friend."

"Hmm," he hummed, not seeming like he was present for the strange conversation unfolding between us. I didn't want to particularly be there either. "And you are?"

"Marina," I said, adjusting the cloak in my grasp. "Hohenheim?"

He nodded, holding his hand out, and I took it a little hesitantly. As we shook, I felt a strange jolt of electricity flow through my whole body, congregating somewhere above my belly button. I stumbled back a bit as he released me, confused as hell as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Just as I thought," he said cryptically.

"What do you—"

"Marina, let's go!" Ed called from his place up the path. Hohenheim jerked his head in Ed's direction.

"You'd better catch up," he said simply with a slight quirk to his mouth as he turned and stalked back into the cemetery.

My mouth opened, but I felt numb all over, and my voice didn't cooperate with me. I stared blankly until he was out of sight.

Just what the hell was that? I wondered, bewildered, staring at my palm. It looked fine, and I was still standing. I looked up, noticing that Ed was nearly at the Rockbell residence. I heeded his advice warily and took off after Ed once I could feel my legs beneath me. I huffed a little as I caught up with him.

"That bastard, I can't believe he even showed his face around here after ten damn years," he grumbled.

I looked over to Ed as we approached the porch, his face back to being twisted in anger. Pinako opened the door just as we reached the landing, greeting us with a smile. Den trailed behind her, barking excitedly at our arrival.

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