Dead Ends

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Welcome back to The Water Alchemist. I don't own any of the intellectual property of Fullmetal Alchemist.

Chapter Eleven

Dead Ends


It had been a few days since we arrived in Central, and I was finally getting used to my accommodations. After the first night, I didn't have any more problems with knocking at my window. When I had awoken that next morning, I looked out to check the tree in the daylight, and its branches that had tapped against my window were noticeably cut. I wondered if a certain alchemist had anything to do with it. I had convinced Ed and Al to take me shopping a few days later since we were still waiting for Sheska to finish the notes.

"But you already went shopping, wasn't that the point of going with Winry?" Ed complained.

"I went clothes shopping. I'd like to pick up some things that aren't clothes," I said as we left the hotel on foot.

The surrounding buildings in the area were either small shops or restaurants, taking advantage of the military's wealth and the guests in the nearby hotel.

"What is it that you need, Marina?" Al asked. We passed by a window to a bookstore.

"Let's go in here," I said, leading the way.

We meandered around the shelves and I took in the many books and stationery and trinkets of the store until we came upon what I was looking for. I picked one up and inspected the spine, then traded it for a similar, sturdier-looking one.

"A journal?" Ed asked. "Why would you need that?"

"I want to start keeping a journal of all the things that have happened to me since I woke up here," I said, eyeing a journal that had a yellow cover and blue-tinted paper. "You know, like what I remember of my old self, my adventures with you guys, and my dreams. They've been pretty weird as of late, so I figured I'd jot them down."

"Yeah, sure," Ed said, looking over at some journals with red covers.

"I also need something to write with," I said, looking over the pens. They all seemed far too fancy. I picked one with a golden tip and a marble grip. Al was eyeing a bookmark with cats printed on the cover. I pointed to the bookmark. "Can I get that for you?"

"What, for me? Oh no, I don't need it," he said, scratching his head.

"You're allowed to want things without needing them," I said, placing the bookmark on top of my newly picked journal. "You can use it for your research. What about you, Ed, want anything?" Ed hummed and looked around the shop.

"There's not anything here for me."

"Maybe the next shop," I said as we walked up to the register, waiting in line.

"There are more shops to go to?" Ed asked as I fiddled with my bag.

"Okay, here's my money, help," I said, holding out my change purse to Al.

He laughed and carefully unfolded the notes and allocated the correct amount to the cashier. We strolled out of the bookstore and into a pawn shop.

"Now this is more my speed," Ed said, marveling around at the different and obscure items.

He went deeper into the store, disappearing behind a shelf. Al stuck by me while I perused the glass cases at the front of the shop.

"So, what is it you're looking for in here?" he asked, leaning over me.

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