The Cut

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Welcome back to The Water Alchemist. I don't own any of the intellectual property of Fullmetal Alchemist.

Chapter Ten

The Cut


"How many more stores are they going to go into and not buy anything from?" Ed asked.

"They probably haven't found anything they like yet, brother," Al answered. They were seated on a bench across the street from the fourth store Marina and Winry had entered.

"Hopefully, they find something they like soon. I'm getting hungry," Ed said, slumping into the bench.

"Is all you think about food?" Al laughed.

"Just wait until I get us our bodies back, then you'll know my pain," Ed retorted.

"It's not like I asked to be this way," Al pouted.

"Ah, look, they're leaving. Let's go," Ed said. They quickly moved from the bench behind some shrubs.

"Is all this sneaking around really necessary? Can't we just tell them that we're here?"

"Yes, it's necessary," Ed huffed, looking through the shrubbery. "I still have a job to do, but Marina wanted 'girl time', so I'm giving it to her."

"That's oddly thoughtful of you, brother," Al giggled.

"Shut up, I'm just making sure they don't spend too much of my money."

"Oh, come on, even I know that's not true," Al said. Ed didn't reply but began walking after the girls. Al followed. They entered another boutique, and Ed and Al stood behind a light post. They waited for a while before the girls emerged, Winry finally carrying some bags and Marina following closely behind her. When Marina emerged from the store, Ed's breath caught slightly. He wasn't expecting to see her in a dress, let alone one that transformed her so drastically. Freckles adorned her shoulders and trailed down to the edge of her dress. Her necklace was exposed and swished along with the fabric of the skirt in the breeze. Her hair had always been down, but it had new life glistening in the sun as she stepped out onto the street. But the most surprising thing to see was the way she had smiled. Ed hadn't seen her smile like that before. It was cheery, bright— as if she didn't have a care or trouble in the world. He was snapped back to reality when his brother nudged him. "Ed, you're staring."

"No, I wasn't," Ed said, averting his eyes. A small blush burned his cheeks.

"Marina sure does look pretty, huh brother?" Al asked, watching the transformed girl bounce down the street.

"Sure," Ed said, looking back at her. She looked happy, at least.

"It looks like they're headed back," Al said, the girls fading into the crowd.

"Let's go before they get back," Ed said, shaking Marina's smile from his mind.

The brothers navigated the crowded streets, keeping an eye on the pair ahead of them. The smell of cooked meat halted Ed as he was lured to a street vendor.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Al asked as they approached the stall.

"I said I was hungry; a little snack never hurt anyone," Ed said, digging in his pockets.

"But brother, we're going to lose them," Al said as he tried to keep an eye on them.

"Just a second, Alphonse," Ed said, exasperated. It was then he realized that Winry had taken his wallet to shop. "Ah, damnit!" He threw his hands in his pockets and sulked back out onto the bustling street.

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