True to Form

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Welcome back to The Water Alchemist. I don't own any of the intellectual property of Fullmetal Alchemist.

Chapter Twenty-Four

True to Form


Soft snores emanated from the sleeping girl nearly as soon as her head hit the pillow. Ed chuckled to himself, still amazed at her ability to sleep in an instant. She seemed to be resting peacefully now; the crease of her eyebrows faded as she fell deeper into sleep, and Ed watched the even rise and fall of her back. He looked back at his hand, the sensation of her finger brushing lightly across his palm still fresh in his mind. He clenched his automail and wondered if it had felt as soothing for her as it did for him. He looked back at her hand, the scar on her palm glaring back at him. The skin was pinker, aggravated even, and had a jagged pattern that tore across her palm to the back of her hand. He wondered what her scar felt like, without a glove, with his flesh hand. He imagined it felt as rough as his scars felt. Curiosity got the best of him as he reached out to trace the skin. He ran his fingers across her palm, smooth and warm, and when his fingertips grazed the scar, he frowned. It felt courser than he had expected, a divot into the crevice of her thumb and forefinger.

He often wondered if she resented her involvement with them, getting mixed up in their troubles and coming out on the other end scarred. She had said she had gotten used to it, but he wasn't sure it was a lifestyle he wanted her to get used to. He didn't want her to have to carry around reminders of his mistakes. He sighed, and just as he had begun to retract his hand, hers suddenly clamped around his, and he flinched. His heart rate spiked as the girl stirred, tightening her grip on his hand. He waited for her to wake up and yell at him for being a creep, but her eyes remained shut. She curled her arms close to her chest, and Ed could feel her breath on his knuckles. He held his breath as she finished her adjustment and released it slowly when her grip loosened a touch.

Do I move? Do I stay? Would I wake her up if I do? He questioned himself feverishly. After a few moments, he found himself unmoved, unchanged, somewhat enjoying the warmth and security holding her hand brought. It reminded him that she was real, that she was still there. It wouldn't be long until they left her behind in Central. With every passing day, the reality of the situation hit him harder and harder, but he knew it was for the best. It wasn't like this was inevitable. He was only supposed to protect her from the masked man, and if he was no longer an issue, he had technically completed his mission. Ling was an obstacle for sure, but he didn't seem to want to harm her. He knew their time was dwindling before Dublith, but he couldn't bring himself to bring it up to her, not until she came back from that date. He knew then that he had let himself get too comfortable. He realized he couldn't keep dragging her along with them, not when she could live normally. He had yet to call the Colonel, but he was stubbornly avoiding it since he was still pissed at him for blatantly lying about Hughes. He wondered just what Marina and that bastard had discussed, but that was a question for another day. For now, Ed let himself enjoy her quiet company, enjoy the warmth of her touch, and forget the troubles that plagued his mind. He let himself hold on tight for a moment before he had to let go. He yawned, realizing his own tiredness, and looked to the door, wondering where Winry was. Well, Marina's sleeping, so I could probably slip out, he thought to himself, gently lifting his hand. She suddenly grasped it again, her eyebrows knit together.

"Don't go," she whispered, her eyes still closed. Ed froze. He waited a few moments for her to stir again, but she didn't.

"Are you awake?" Ed whispered back, his heart pounding like a bass drum in his ears. She mumbled something incoherent and relaxed back into the pillow, a firm hold on Ed's hand. Ed gently squeezed her hand, assuring her he was there, whether she was awake or not. He decided it didn't matter. He'd have to leave her eventually, but that night, he stayed.

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